Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I Need to Tell You Something....

I don't got a belly button...

This is the song the Feared Redhead used to get "Infatuation" out of my head last night. Just as catchy, not as crappy. In fact, darned clever. It's one of the "Silly Songs" from Veggie Tales, and in the video the vegetables perform as a spoof boy band called "Boyz in the Sink". That still cracks me up.

This particular song is on the video The Ballad of Little Joe.

I Have the Best Wife in the Whole World!

As soon as she heard that I got the job, the Feared Redhead decided that a congratulatory gift was in order.

She just called me to find out what kind of Single Malt Scotch I'd like.

Eat your hearts out, lads!


Thanks for the Memory to TacJammer:

When I read this essay at Eject! Eject! Eject! I was immediately reminded of the quote attributed to George Orwell:

"We sleep peacefully in our beds simply because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence upon those who would do us harm."

Read it. It really should be required reading before entering the voting booth on November 2nd. It actually choked me up. An excellent essay.

I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!

I start the job Monday, at almost $1/hour more than I make now, with benefits!

Thanks to everyone for their prayers.

My Take on the VP Debate

Yeah, Cheney won. That's nothing new. Everyone's been blogging on that for over 12 hours now. And except for the most partisan liberal viewpoints, that's the consensus.

So I'll stick to the things that, well, stuck with me.

First, as well as the Vice President did, he had help, from an unexpected source -- Edwards, and the camera. That split screen format, and the way Edwards maintained a smug, smarmy smirk (consider the alliteration) throughout the debate, did nothing to endear John Boy to the common man.

Second, as luck would have it, when I turned on the TV last night, it was on ABC NBC (oops, thanks for pointing out my error, Scott), so I got to hear Tom Brokaw's post-debate analysis. His description of Cheney's delivery was surprisingly clever and positive -- he compared him to George Foreman, slow and deliberate with a devastating right.

And finally, on the topic of ABC NBC, they ended the segment with interviews of bloggers. I was expecting Glen Reynolds or one of the Margolis brothers for the conservative view, and probably Kos for the liberal. I was embarassed not to have thought of Hinderaker and the Powerline crew. But Wonkette? Please. She was shallow, nervous, and tittery, and contributed nothing of substance to the conversation. I'm no liberal, but even I could have picked a better representative of the left side of the net than Madame Sodomy.

The Natives are Restless

Thanks for the Memory to Blogs for Bush.

I'm still steamed about the news articles I read yesterday about people opposing the Democrats engaging in activity of the kind for which I've been criticizing our opponents all along. But just when I thought, "Damn! Must we sink to their level?" They lower the bar:

Protestors Ransack Bush/Cheney Headquarters In Orlando

My fears and the fears of others about the level of violence we may see in the days after the election have not been allayed at all.

Thanks for the Memory to reader Leslie Bates at Blogs for Bush:

It happened in my wife's home state of Minnesota too:

Angry Kerry Activists Lay Siege to Bush Office in St. Paul, Intimidate Voters

ST. PAUL -- On the same day that someone fired shots into the windows at the Bush/Cheney campaign headquarters in Knoxville, Tennessee, angry Kerry supporters laid siege to the Bush headquarters in St. Paul Minnesota today.
"Today's siege on the Bush/Cheney headquarters in St. Paul was an attempt by Democrats and the Kerry campaign to intimidate voters who were picking up tickets to see the President," said Republican Party of Minnesota State Chair Ron Eibensteiner. "The Minnesota Kerry Campaign and DFL are ruled by an angry mob mentality that has nothing positive to offer Minnesota voters." Today Kerry supporters blocked the entrance to the Bush campaign's Minnesota headquarters with buses and proceeded to rush into the headquarters in a clear attempt to intimidate voters who were picking up tickets to see the President this Saturday.

Eibensteiner called on DFL Chair Mike Erlandson and Kerry's Minnesota campaign to immediately cease these kinds of intimidation tactics.

"Lately, the DFL Party and Kerry Campaign can be best described as Anger Incorporated," said Eibensteiner. "They need to stop their escalation of these intimidation tactics before someone gets hurt."

Eibensteiner pointed out other instances where out-of-control Kerry supporters have intimidated voters. For example, at the Gophers football game last weekend, a Kerry supporter physically assaulted a female College Republican who was handing out flyers supporting the President. In a similar incident, Kerry supporters assaulted College Republicans at the Minnesota State Fair. During the incident, the union members elbowed two College Republicans in the head and threw them to the ground. Also, DFL Party officials have yet to repudiate a bumper sticker, which was handed out from their party headquarters comparing President Bush to Adolf Hitler.
"Anger is no substitute for optimistic leadership," said Eibensteiner. "Through their actions, Democrats have shown themselves incapable of governing themselves, much less our nation, during these challenging times."

(Bold Emphasis added by me)

I couldn't agree more, Mr. Eibensteiner.

Thanks for the Memory to Instapundit via Leslie (again):

It happened in Wisconsin too.


Thanks for the Memory to Ace of spades HQ:

Michelle Malkin is covering this too, and may have more info.

Thanks for the Memory to Russell Wardlow at Mean Mr. Mustard:

Apparently not all Leftists online are as upset by their side's shennanigans as I am by my side's.