Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Great Day in the Morning

I arose this morning to the sound of birds singing, to sunshine and clean air. I arose rested and smiling, and I awoke to the sweet smell of victory.

The Republic has been saved by itself.

To be honest, there were some disappointments. Here in Oregon, Feldkamp failed to DeFuze DeFazio. Al King lost to Ron Wyden, but that was more to be expected. Measures 35 and 38 failed.

But none of that can do anything to more than temporarily dampen my joy over President Bush's victory. Hallelujah!

I believe I shall smoke my cigar this evening.

My friend David mentioned this to me, thanks for the Memory to Blogfather Rusty for the actual link:

That Mighty Rushing Wind you hear? It's a giant sigh of relief. The DOW, the S&P, the NYSE, and Nasdaq were all up on the news that President Bush won.

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