Wednesday, March 16, 2005

In Like a Lamb, Out Like a Lion????

As you may well know, my beloved home state is famous, among other things, for rain (Astoria Oregon gets twice the annual average rainfall of Seattle). Well, this winter's been a bit different. All during late February and early March, the weather has been unseasonably pleasant -- I'm talking sunny days in the 60's and 70's. And while a bit of that is nice, it was starting to concern me, and still does -- we're probably facing a drought this summer. Furthermore, I actually enjoy rainy weather in winter -- it's bracing, refreshing, cleansing, and lends perspective to summer's sun.

But today, when I left the house, it was chilly enough to warrant a jacket. At work, as the day wore on it was even chilly inside -- a fact I attributed to the A/C being abused. But no.... a while ago, I turned from my desk to the window to see that the sky was dark, and the glass streaked with water. It's raining.

Now THAT'S the Oregon I know and love. Welcome back, you beautiful, stormy wench!

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