Original Post (1:20 PM PDT, October 25, 2004):
The In-laws made their weekly phone contact with the Feared redhead last night, and had a bit of news that has me smiling.
They just got back recently from a trip to Spain (I know, I'm not fond of current Spanish politics either, but they have old family friends their and were attending a wedding. The Spaniards are gracious people, even if their current government lacks cojones) and England.
At the wedding, the guests all received a reception gift. My father-in-law saved his and brought it home, and is going to send it to me. The gift was a Cuban cigar. Again, not a fan of the politics in its country of origin, "but a good cigar is a smoke", to borrow from Kipling.
There was one moment of horror as they discussed shipping arrangements with T.F.R., who told them that a padded envelope should provide sufficient protection. *Cue movie sound effect: deep, slow-motion sound of me screaming, "NnnnnOooo.....!!!!!"* Suffice it to say, I swiftly put paid to that bit of misinformation.
So today in class, I was thinking of that cigar, and then remembered the other lovely gift I recently received from T.F.R. -- namely, the bottle of Laphroaig 10-Year. And it dawned on me that it won't be long before I'm reclining on the back porch, a dram of the Water of Life in one hand, and a cheroot in the other.
The beatific smile that crept across my face, well, you should have seen it.
Update (2:06 PM PST, October 31, 2004):
The cigar arrived on Thursday. Not just any Cuban cigar -- a Cohiba.
Let the eating out of hearts commence.
I do hope November 2nd provides me a good reason to enjoy it.
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Today I Am A Blogger
As I don't have a computer at home, most of my blogging is done at work. But this weekend we're visiting the Feared Redhead's sister and her husband, and I'm blogging from their house. So I finally get to do something I've been wanting to do since the CBS/Memogate days. I'm blogging in my pajamas.
I feel like I should be Bar Mitzvah'ed or something.
I feel like I should be Bar Mitzvah'ed or something.
Shut Up and Act, Reprise
More fodder supporting my opinion that those whose careers are to recite the wrtten thoughts of others, but with feeling, should not be our primary sources of advice on matters requiring independent thought:
First, Woody Harrelson was here in Eugene to promote his new film "Go Further", a paean to Ken Kesey (a local native and neo-hippie saint) and his Merry Pranksters. Let's not get me started on the fact that Eugene has seen fit to erect a statue of Kesey downtown, depicting him reading a book to two young children. Too late, I'm started. What the hell is the book in Kesey's hand supposed to be -- The Electric Acid Kool-aid Test??????
*Deep Breath*
Anyway, of course the local TV station intervewed Woody. I really can't recall much of the specifics of what he said, it was pretty much standard fare for your more ecologically radical leftist personae. Nothing new, and nothing very well aerticulated. What struck myself and the Feared Redhead was just how appropriate it was that the news mentioned that Harrelson is a big proponent of the use of hemp, since it seemed apparent from his slurred speech and disjointed sentence structure that he's definitely practicing what he preaches.
Kesey would be proud.
Secondly, thanks for the memory to Debbie Schlussel via John Kerry for President? You Must Be Joking:
Apparently, in a recent interview with a French publication (go figure), Nobel Laureate Patrick Swayze was using his clout as an expert on Middle East affairs to criticize President Bush's handling of Iraq. Swayze's credentials?
“I know a great deal about the Middle East because I’ve been raising Arabian horses,” he said.
No, I'm not kidding. I wish I was.
Schlussel really delivers some zingers:
"Does consuming wontons at a Chinese restaurant make you an expert on Sino-American relations?
Patrick Swayze thinks so."
"Swayze’s just like every other annoying, liberal Hollywood airhead who thinks they understand the Middle East because, like Swayze, they raise Arabian horses, ate falafel once, or bought a Moroccan necklace at Kitson. They “understand” and sympathize with those who hate us because, after all, they once used an Arabic waterpipe instead of a bong to get high.
Swayze, a pan-Arabist, encompasses the “I’m not a doctor but I play one on TV” ethos."
Usually I get annoyed when celebrities pull this. But given what a has-been Swayze is, I'm more inclined to just find the thing sadly amusing.
First, Woody Harrelson was here in Eugene to promote his new film "Go Further", a paean to Ken Kesey (a local native and neo-hippie saint) and his Merry Pranksters. Let's not get me started on the fact that Eugene has seen fit to erect a statue of Kesey downtown, depicting him reading a book to two young children. Too late, I'm started. What the hell is the book in Kesey's hand supposed to be -- The Electric Acid Kool-aid Test??????
*Deep Breath*
Anyway, of course the local TV station intervewed Woody. I really can't recall much of the specifics of what he said, it was pretty much standard fare for your more ecologically radical leftist personae. Nothing new, and nothing very well aerticulated. What struck myself and the Feared Redhead was just how appropriate it was that the news mentioned that Harrelson is a big proponent of the use of hemp, since it seemed apparent from his slurred speech and disjointed sentence structure that he's definitely practicing what he preaches.
Kesey would be proud.
Secondly, thanks for the memory to Debbie Schlussel via John Kerry for President? You Must Be Joking:
Apparently, in a recent interview with a French publication (go figure), Nobel Laureate Patrick Swayze was using his clout as an expert on Middle East affairs to criticize President Bush's handling of Iraq. Swayze's credentials?
“I know a great deal about the Middle East because I’ve been raising Arabian horses,” he said.
No, I'm not kidding. I wish I was.
Schlussel really delivers some zingers:
"Does consuming wontons at a Chinese restaurant make you an expert on Sino-American relations?
Patrick Swayze thinks so."
"Swayze’s just like every other annoying, liberal Hollywood airhead who thinks they understand the Middle East because, like Swayze, they raise Arabian horses, ate falafel once, or bought a Moroccan necklace at Kitson. They “understand” and sympathize with those who hate us because, after all, they once used an Arabic waterpipe instead of a bong to get high.
Swayze, a pan-Arabist, encompasses the “I’m not a doctor but I play one on TV” ethos."
Usually I get annoyed when celebrities pull this. But given what a has-been Swayze is, I'm more inclined to just find the thing sadly amusing.
Hope for the Future
Thanks for the Memory to Blogs for Bush:
The above link to B4B is to an essay in their "Thank you President Bush" thread written by Ian Schwartz. It's a very well-written and heartwarming essay.
What's most heartening is the first line of the essay:
I am a 16 year old attending a Catholic High School in Baltimore, Maryland.
Sixteen freaking years old and he's already showing more political astuteness and more eloquence than many people twice his age.
Oh, and he has his own blog.
If this is the caliber of young person coming through the pipes right now, I am suddenly a little less nervous about the odds of my retirement years being spent in a free country.
The above link to B4B is to an essay in their "Thank you President Bush" thread written by Ian Schwartz. It's a very well-written and heartwarming essay.
What's most heartening is the first line of the essay:
I am a 16 year old attending a Catholic High School in Baltimore, Maryland.
Sixteen freaking years old and he's already showing more political astuteness and more eloquence than many people twice his age.
Oh, and he has his own blog.
If this is the caliber of young person coming through the pipes right now, I am suddenly a little less nervous about the odds of my retirement years being spent in a free country.
Just in Time for Halloween:
Skeletons in Lurch's Closet
Thanks for the Memory to the Jawa Report:
The Swifties are releasing their info tomorrow:
1 PM * Naval Archives
Join the thousands of veterans, active duty
and every day warriors in a
(Original Post, 1:46 PM PDT, October 29, 2004):
Thanks for the Memory to Blogfather Rusty at the Jawa Report. He's following rumors that the Swift Boat Vets are about to release a final "October Surprise", and promises an update as the news breaks.
In the meantime he links to a Bullpen interview with Swiftie supporter Troy Jenkins regarding coordination between the VC and anti-Vietnam Protest Literature, particularly that associated with VVAW (guess who?). Very interesting stuff.
I really have tried to avoid saying much about Kerry's service record, since I'm not a vet. But this also has to do with activities after his enlistment, and with his overall fitness to command the defense of a nation he may have betrayed. Even without the myriad of issues on which I disagree with the senator. this is enough in my eyes to disqualify him as POTUS.
Thanks for the Memory to the Jawa Report:
The Swifties are releasing their info tomorrow:
1 PM * Naval Archives
Join the thousands of veterans, active duty
and every day warriors in a
(Original Post, 1:46 PM PDT, October 29, 2004):
Thanks for the Memory to Blogfather Rusty at the Jawa Report. He's following rumors that the Swift Boat Vets are about to release a final "October Surprise", and promises an update as the news breaks.
In the meantime he links to a Bullpen interview with Swiftie supporter Troy Jenkins regarding coordination between the VC and anti-Vietnam Protest Literature, particularly that associated with VVAW (guess who?). Very interesting stuff.
I really have tried to avoid saying much about Kerry's service record, since I'm not a vet. But this also has to do with activities after his enlistment, and with his overall fitness to command the defense of a nation he may have betrayed. Even without the myriad of issues on which I disagree with the senator. this is enough in my eyes to disqualify him as POTUS.
Today was a typical blustery, windy, often rainy Oregon day. Very typical for this time of year here. But something caught my eye at one point as it was windy but not rainy.
the street in front of our house runs in the same direction as the wind happened to be blowing at that moment. As the empty street suddenly filled with a wave of fall leaves, all rolling and tumbling and jostling each other down the street, and then gone, it reminded me of an old western movie where the cattle drive comes to town. Yup, pardner, it wasright out of "The Cowboys", and I expected to see John Wayne's ghost following the leaves down the street on a horse, whistling and yelling "Heeyah!" as he rode. Maybe, just maybe, I did.
the street in front of our house runs in the same direction as the wind happened to be blowing at that moment. As the empty street suddenly filled with a wave of fall leaves, all rolling and tumbling and jostling each other down the street, and then gone, it reminded me of an old western movie where the cattle drive comes to town. Yup, pardner, it wasright out of "The Cowboys", and I expected to see John Wayne's ghost following the leaves down the street on a horse, whistling and yelling "Heeyah!" as he rode. Maybe, just maybe, I did.
Friday, October 29, 2004
He'd Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Now that the shouting is over and everyone has had a chance to either gloat or tell people to shut up already about the curse, I thought I'd finally blog about the World Series.
As I've sai in comments elsewhere, if you're a baseball fan, and not a Yankees or Cards fan, you HAD to be happy with the outcome of this series. This was baseball history. I grew up a baseball fan, and to a lesser extent, a fan of the red sox. no, they weren't my team, but they were the only AL team I'd root for. ee, for me, it's about the game.
My father instilled in me a love of baseball. He started perhaps, for his own mental health, a bit too early -- a mistake I plan to repeat. When I was but 4 or 5, he would take me to Eugene Emeralds games. They were back then a Phillies farm team. He had seasons tickets.
By the middle of the second, I'd be ready for pop, candy, and popcorn. He'd trek to the concessions stand, sacrifice a half an inning getting me treats. By the end of the fourth I was ready to go home. The fact that I was never abused as a child is a testament to my father's longsuffering.
As was the fact that he perservered, and eventually won me over. He coached my sister's little league softball team. He announced my high school's games. He weatched games with me on TV, and when we could go, he especially loved watching the game in person. Not being athletic, I never played, but he taught me to watch. He taught me that there was more to see than the battery. He taught me the subtle nuances of fielder positioning based on inning, score, runners, hitter, and count.
In baseball, and in life, my father was teacher, supporter, example, and especially, friend. In fact he was my best friend. As close as my other dear friends are, none has ever been the source of love, acceptance, and support htat my father was. In July of 2001, I stepped into his RV to find him dead. It was the worst day of my life.
So there I sat all this past week, watching the Boston Red sox win the world Series. God, who thought they'd ever utter those words? I sat there with a pregnant wife, who thanks to my enthusiasm and this Series is now a baseball fan herself, and who carries a future fan. We watched, hearts in mouths, game by game, inning by inning, past all the false alarms raised by the cards, as the Sox strode inexorably towards their goal. Trhilled, wanting to believe our eyes, but not trusting our hearts, for fear they'd break if it wasn't true. and then it happened. A short hopper to the mound, a cautious pitcher carrying the ball halfway to first to avoid another Bill Buckner moment, an underhanded toss, and it was over. The words generations of Red sox fans, hell, BASEBALL fans, have waited so long to utter: The Red Sox are World Champions!
And then it dawned on me. My father never ever in his life saw the Red Sox win the Series. And as much as he loved this sport, he dearly would have loved this week. As much as I love my wife, the one person in this world I wanted to be there wasn't. Not over the phone, not in the same room. And so, for a moment, the joy was tempered with sadness, and yes, I admit shedding tears. But they did not drown out the joy. I continued to celebrate, but now I celebrate for my father too. He would have been cheering just as loudly.
As I've sai in comments elsewhere, if you're a baseball fan, and not a Yankees or Cards fan, you HAD to be happy with the outcome of this series. This was baseball history. I grew up a baseball fan, and to a lesser extent, a fan of the red sox. no, they weren't my team, but they were the only AL team I'd root for. ee, for me, it's about the game.
My father instilled in me a love of baseball. He started perhaps, for his own mental health, a bit too early -- a mistake I plan to repeat. When I was but 4 or 5, he would take me to Eugene Emeralds games. They were back then a Phillies farm team. He had seasons tickets.
By the middle of the second, I'd be ready for pop, candy, and popcorn. He'd trek to the concessions stand, sacrifice a half an inning getting me treats. By the end of the fourth I was ready to go home. The fact that I was never abused as a child is a testament to my father's longsuffering.
As was the fact that he perservered, and eventually won me over. He coached my sister's little league softball team. He announced my high school's games. He weatched games with me on TV, and when we could go, he especially loved watching the game in person. Not being athletic, I never played, but he taught me to watch. He taught me that there was more to see than the battery. He taught me the subtle nuances of fielder positioning based on inning, score, runners, hitter, and count.
In baseball, and in life, my father was teacher, supporter, example, and especially, friend. In fact he was my best friend. As close as my other dear friends are, none has ever been the source of love, acceptance, and support htat my father was. In July of 2001, I stepped into his RV to find him dead. It was the worst day of my life.
So there I sat all this past week, watching the Boston Red sox win the world Series. God, who thought they'd ever utter those words? I sat there with a pregnant wife, who thanks to my enthusiasm and this Series is now a baseball fan herself, and who carries a future fan. We watched, hearts in mouths, game by game, inning by inning, past all the false alarms raised by the cards, as the Sox strode inexorably towards their goal. Trhilled, wanting to believe our eyes, but not trusting our hearts, for fear they'd break if it wasn't true. and then it happened. A short hopper to the mound, a cautious pitcher carrying the ball halfway to first to avoid another Bill Buckner moment, an underhanded toss, and it was over. The words generations of Red sox fans, hell, BASEBALL fans, have waited so long to utter: The Red Sox are World Champions!
And then it dawned on me. My father never ever in his life saw the Red Sox win the Series. And as much as he loved this sport, he dearly would have loved this week. As much as I love my wife, the one person in this world I wanted to be there wasn't. Not over the phone, not in the same room. And so, for a moment, the joy was tempered with sadness, and yes, I admit shedding tears. But they did not drown out the joy. I continued to celebrate, but now I celebrate for my father too. He would have been cheering just as loudly.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Playing My Ace Card
Thanks for the Memory to Way Off Bass:
Orson Scott Card is one of the best Science Fiction writers currently writing. One of the reasons for this is that he knows his stuff when it comes to Science Fact. The other is that he doesn't let his knowledge get in the way of good storytelling.
Along with being an excellent writer and a highly intelligent man, OSC is also unabashedly libertarian/conservative in his political views, despite being a registered Democrat. Happily for us, he combines all of these qualities by writing as a columnist for a website called the Ornery American. Recently my friend Cameron at Way Off Bass pointed out two very excellent essays by Mr. Card.
The first is called Dumb Science,Kerry's Religion and touches on issues of faith, science, and politics. Very good stuff.
The second, and the one both Cameron and I believe to be the most important of the two, is The Death of Shame. It touches on issues I've highlighted on this blog, namely the willingness of the Left to engage in the very kinds of unethical behavior that they decry in others, and their willingness to do whatever it takes to stay in power. Card expresses the outrage and frustration many of us in the middle and on the right feel over this, far more eloquently than my halting efforts. I encourage you all to go read this essay, before you go to vote, and think about it when you watch the events that unfold in the days leading up to the election.
Ace of Spades HQ has more information on how the Democrats plan to live up to Card's accusations. If this is true, then one has to ask oneself, what is a higher priority to the Democrats: the good of this country, or their own power? And where does the line between free speech protected dissent and blatant sedition get crossed? They seem intent at BEST to edge as close to it as possible.
Orson Scott Card is one of the best Science Fiction writers currently writing. One of the reasons for this is that he knows his stuff when it comes to Science Fact. The other is that he doesn't let his knowledge get in the way of good storytelling.
Along with being an excellent writer and a highly intelligent man, OSC is also unabashedly libertarian/conservative in his political views, despite being a registered Democrat. Happily for us, he combines all of these qualities by writing as a columnist for a website called the Ornery American. Recently my friend Cameron at Way Off Bass pointed out two very excellent essays by Mr. Card.
The first is called Dumb Science,Kerry's Religion and touches on issues of faith, science, and politics. Very good stuff.
The second, and the one both Cameron and I believe to be the most important of the two, is The Death of Shame. It touches on issues I've highlighted on this blog, namely the willingness of the Left to engage in the very kinds of unethical behavior that they decry in others, and their willingness to do whatever it takes to stay in power. Card expresses the outrage and frustration many of us in the middle and on the right feel over this, far more eloquently than my halting efforts. I encourage you all to go read this essay, before you go to vote, and think about it when you watch the events that unfold in the days leading up to the election.
Ace of Spades HQ has more information on how the Democrats plan to live up to Card's accusations. If this is true, then one has to ask oneself, what is a higher priority to the Democrats: the good of this country, or their own power? And where does the line between free speech protected dissent and blatant sedition get crossed? They seem intent at BEST to edge as close to it as possible.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Gut Check Time
Thanks for the Memory to Drudge via Vultures Row:
Blogs for Bush links to the Drudge Article, and also has related news.
In the last week before the election, ABCNEWS is holding a videotaped message from a purported al Qaeda terrorist warning of a new attack on America, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
The terrorist claims on tape the next attack will dwarf 9/11. "The streets will run with blood," and "America will mourn in silence" because they will be unable to count the number of the dead. Further claims: America has brought this on itself for electing George Bush who has made war on Islam by destroying the Taliban and making war on Al Qaeda.
You can read the rest over at Drudge.
Well, the terrorists can't make it any blunter, can they? They hate George Bush, they want anyone but Bush in office. So what do they do? They try to pull a Spain on us, and blackmail us into defeating Bush.
Just to note, for once I have some respect for the MSM. According to Drudge, "ABCNEWS strongly denies holding the tape back from broadcast over political concerns during the last days of the election." Whatever their reasons for holding back the tape, they were right to do so. If they planned on airing it prior to 11/02, I retract my respect. Airing the tape rpior to the election does exactly what the Terrorists wanted -- offers us an ultimatum.
So what's it going to be, America? Do we cave in, and show the terrorists that all they have to do is threaten us, and we'll give in to their demands, or do we grow a spine and tell them where to shove it? It's gut check time. Are we Free men, or are we serfs to the demands of murderous mullahs?
My response? Well, I'll borrow from a far more praiseworthy American:
I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!
Blogs for Bush links to the Drudge Article, and also has related news.
In the last week before the election, ABCNEWS is holding a videotaped message from a purported al Qaeda terrorist warning of a new attack on America, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
The terrorist claims on tape the next attack will dwarf 9/11. "The streets will run with blood," and "America will mourn in silence" because they will be unable to count the number of the dead. Further claims: America has brought this on itself for electing George Bush who has made war on Islam by destroying the Taliban and making war on Al Qaeda.
You can read the rest over at Drudge.
Well, the terrorists can't make it any blunter, can they? They hate George Bush, they want anyone but Bush in office. So what do they do? They try to pull a Spain on us, and blackmail us into defeating Bush.
Just to note, for once I have some respect for the MSM. According to Drudge, "ABCNEWS strongly denies holding the tape back from broadcast over political concerns during the last days of the election." Whatever their reasons for holding back the tape, they were right to do so. If they planned on airing it prior to 11/02, I retract my respect. Airing the tape rpior to the election does exactly what the Terrorists wanted -- offers us an ultimatum.
So what's it going to be, America? Do we cave in, and show the terrorists that all they have to do is threaten us, and we'll give in to their demands, or do we grow a spine and tell them where to shove it? It's gut check time. Are we Free men, or are we serfs to the demands of murderous mullahs?
My response? Well, I'll borrow from a far more praiseworthy American:
I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!
Scotland the Brave
Thanks for the Memory to my mom.
According to Britain's Ministry of Defense, 850 British soldiers, mostly from the Black Watch, are joining the party in the Sunni Triangle.
According to the Reuters article, the plan is for the Scots to take over for American troops already there, freeing up the US forces for a major push on Fallujah.
As a military history buff and one with Scottish ancestry, I'm proud of the friendship between the United States and Great Britain, and I wish the Regiment good luck in Iraq. stay safe, lads, and may the terrorists learn from bitter experience just why your enemies nicknamed you the "Ladies from Hell".
According to Britain's Ministry of Defense, 850 British soldiers, mostly from the Black Watch, are joining the party in the Sunni Triangle.
According to the Reuters article, the plan is for the Scots to take over for American troops already there, freeing up the US forces for a major push on Fallujah.
As a military history buff and one with Scottish ancestry, I'm proud of the friendship between the United States and Great Britain, and I wish the Regiment good luck in Iraq. stay safe, lads, and may the terrorists learn from bitter experience just why your enemies nicknamed you the "Ladies from Hell".
Tonight on a Very Special
Blogs for Bush (not Blossom, sorry):
Matt Margolis interviews Richard Miniter, author of "Shadow War."
This is an important interview, good food for thought if you care about the War on Terrorism.
Matt Margolis interviews Richard Miniter, author of "Shadow War."
This is an important interview, good food for thought if you care about the War on Terrorism.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
See? B.S.
Thanks for the Memory to Drudge via Ace of Spades HQ.
I really, honestly thought that my days of blogging on stories in which CBS news combines blatant political partisanship with really lousy journalism techniques was over. Honestly, I did. I figured, heck, they're probably still as partisan as ever, but getting burned as badly as they did on Memogate, they've learned to be a bit more judicious in how they act upon it.
How naive of me.
This time the "Big Story" being touted by CBS is the 350-400 tons of high explosives missing from Iraq. The slant to the story was that this is proof that the US is losing control of Iraq, that we were lax with security, and that the world is in greater danger because we dropped the ball. The Kerry campaign even took advantage of it and criticized the Bush administration for letting this happen.
But there are a couple of issues with the story that CBS conveniently omitted. First of all, the explosives have been missing since April of 2003. They've already been reported on. Secondly, the explosives were already gone by the time the first American troops ever arrived at the munitions dump for the first time during the invasion. They were already gone -- how were we supposed to have guarded them before we were there?
So yeah, that's poor reporting. But assuming it had been a good story, it is newsworthy -- how does that make it partisan?
Well, according to breaking news at Drudge, CBS planned to hold the story until October 31st in order to minimize the response time allowed the Bush camp: Jeff Fager, executive producer of the Sunday edition of 60 MINUTES, said in a statement that "our plan was to run the story on October 31, but it became clear that it wouldn't hold..."
See, the LA Times decided to run the story, and CBS essentially got scooped. They couldn't hold off on the story, so they ran with it.
And now, Ace links to Garfield Ridge, who is reporting that the document that alleges the missing explosives may be fake.
Hmmm.... Dubious documents, incomplete reporting, blatant political machinations.... yup: This is CBS.
I really, honestly thought that my days of blogging on stories in which CBS news combines blatant political partisanship with really lousy journalism techniques was over. Honestly, I did. I figured, heck, they're probably still as partisan as ever, but getting burned as badly as they did on Memogate, they've learned to be a bit more judicious in how they act upon it.
How naive of me.
This time the "Big Story" being touted by CBS is the 350-400 tons of high explosives missing from Iraq. The slant to the story was that this is proof that the US is losing control of Iraq, that we were lax with security, and that the world is in greater danger because we dropped the ball. The Kerry campaign even took advantage of it and criticized the Bush administration for letting this happen.
But there are a couple of issues with the story that CBS conveniently omitted. First of all, the explosives have been missing since April of 2003. They've already been reported on. Secondly, the explosives were already gone by the time the first American troops ever arrived at the munitions dump for the first time during the invasion. They were already gone -- how were we supposed to have guarded them before we were there?
So yeah, that's poor reporting. But assuming it had been a good story, it is newsworthy -- how does that make it partisan?
Well, according to breaking news at Drudge, CBS planned to hold the story until October 31st in order to minimize the response time allowed the Bush camp: Jeff Fager, executive producer of the Sunday edition of 60 MINUTES, said in a statement that "our plan was to run the story on October 31, but it became clear that it wouldn't hold..."
See, the LA Times decided to run the story, and CBS essentially got scooped. They couldn't hold off on the story, so they ran with it.
And now, Ace links to Garfield Ridge, who is reporting that the document that alleges the missing explosives may be fake.
Hmmm.... Dubious documents, incomplete reporting, blatant political machinations.... yup: This is CBS.
Monday, October 25, 2004
Repeating the Cycle
I finally got back on my bike and rode to work this morning. Usually I spend all summer doing it, but this year, I was normally so exhausted in the morning from taking care of the Feared (and hyperemetic) Redhead, I was too pooped to pedal. But one of my bachelor coworkers, who worked with me at the old job and is in training with me at the new, decided to splurge with his first paycheck and buy himself a bike, so I agreed to commute with him. Besides, it's a really good idea -- I want to get in shape so I can live long enough to see the expected little one grow up. So here are the stats from our first morning:
Distance: 4.4 miles
Average Speed: 10.5 mph
Time of Ride: 25 minutes 43 seconds
I am now officially out of shape. But it's a start. the challenge will be buying theright gear to stay dry and warm once winter really arrives. I'm still a little numb, but I'm glad I did it. Biking is the one form of exercize I actually enjoy.
Distance: 4.4 miles
Average Speed: 10.5 mph
Time of Ride: 25 minutes 43 seconds
I am now officially out of shape. But it's a start. the challenge will be buying theright gear to stay dry and warm once winter really arrives. I'm still a little numb, but I'm glad I did it. Biking is the one form of exercize I actually enjoy.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Winging It
So I dropped the Feared Redhead off at work this morning, and as the car door opened, I heard what has become for me the definitive sound of fall, and had to blog on it. It's a sound I grew up with, but went without for 12 years living in San Diego. Then I moved back to Oregon, and that first fall back, the sound came to my ears again and I realized you could experience 12 years of longing in the same instant that you experience its fulfillment. What is this magical sound, you ask? Why, of course, it's the honkers. The Canadian Geese are on the move.
Every fall they migrate south, every spring the migrate north. Here in Oregon, it stays warm enough yet never gets too hot for a few to stay year round, or to linger later than the majority of their brethren, but for the most part, the seasons of change bring the sound of huge flights of them all engaging in an avian call-and-response chorus as they wing their way urgently overhead. It's a paradoxical sound, one that is both melodious and cacaphonous, sad and joyful. In the same voice it speaks of the wistfull farewell to summer and to green northern climes, and the enthusiastic expectation of sunny lands to the south. And it is, as I have said, the sound of fall. The wind that brings the geeses wings brings also a hint of chill.
Fall is the time of such paradoxes, a time of trade-offs. Gone are the bright summer days with their seemingly endless sunshine, here instead is the crisp air and the clean smell of rain. Gone is the ubiquitous warmth that mocks the need for excess clothing, here instead is an excuse to nestle in as close to your lover as you can. Here in Oregon, our falls are not as spectacular as back east, because the deciduous trees do not have the same monopoly. In exchange, we are comforted by the knowledge that once the leaves have fallen, it will still be green. The flowers are gone, but the harvest is in. And while we may not be able to enjoy as many outdoor activities as we did over the summer, there is a whole new set of things to do. It's not as liberating a season, but it is much cozier.
And so when I finish here today and step back outside, I'll listen again for the sound of the honkers, and I'll wave them a farewell for the winter. I'll still be here when they come back in the spring.
Every fall they migrate south, every spring the migrate north. Here in Oregon, it stays warm enough yet never gets too hot for a few to stay year round, or to linger later than the majority of their brethren, but for the most part, the seasons of change bring the sound of huge flights of them all engaging in an avian call-and-response chorus as they wing their way urgently overhead. It's a paradoxical sound, one that is both melodious and cacaphonous, sad and joyful. In the same voice it speaks of the wistfull farewell to summer and to green northern climes, and the enthusiastic expectation of sunny lands to the south. And it is, as I have said, the sound of fall. The wind that brings the geeses wings brings also a hint of chill.
Fall is the time of such paradoxes, a time of trade-offs. Gone are the bright summer days with their seemingly endless sunshine, here instead is the crisp air and the clean smell of rain. Gone is the ubiquitous warmth that mocks the need for excess clothing, here instead is an excuse to nestle in as close to your lover as you can. Here in Oregon, our falls are not as spectacular as back east, because the deciduous trees do not have the same monopoly. In exchange, we are comforted by the knowledge that once the leaves have fallen, it will still be green. The flowers are gone, but the harvest is in. And while we may not be able to enjoy as many outdoor activities as we did over the summer, there is a whole new set of things to do. It's not as liberating a season, but it is much cozier.
And so when I finish here today and step back outside, I'll listen again for the sound of the honkers, and I'll wave them a farewell for the winter. I'll still be here when they come back in the spring.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Fame as an Argument
Thanks for the Memory to Vultures Row. My friend Scott over there has issued an Open Letter to Matt Damon, in response to the former Mrs. Afleck's offer to pay someone one million dollars to get John Kerry into the White House.
I was going to leave Scott a comment repeating my policy on political statements by celebrities, but instead I've decided to repeat it here, and then expound on it. The Memento Moron policy statement on celebrity activism is stated thus:
I fail to see any valid reason to attach added credence to the opinion of someone whose chief source of income is derived from speaking words someone else thought of for them, simply because that income is large or affords them acclaim.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that celebrities don't have a right to their opinions, nor am I objecting to their use of their celebrity status as a platform to express those opinions. The Bully Pulpit is, well, as the name implies, bully -- in the T.R. sense of the word. Heck, that's what I'm doing in miniature by blogging. No, if you can get more people to listen to you because they like your movies, more power to ya! Nor am I even saying that celebrities are incapable of having intelligent opinions. Not of necessity, that is, though many are.
What I'm saying is that while their celebrity affords them a broader venue for their opinions, it does not automatically confer validity upon those opinions. Fine. Matt Damon believes thus. Why should I believe thus also? Just because Matt Damon does? Please. that's the logical fallacy known as appeal to authority, and it's a piss-poor authority at that. No, if a celebrity is going to use their fame to be heard, they'd darn well better be prepared to deliver a rational, cogent, logical argument for their position. If they do, I'll listen, consider, and decide. But as long as they offer their celebrity as a rationale for their argument, I'm not buying.
I was going to leave Scott a comment repeating my policy on political statements by celebrities, but instead I've decided to repeat it here, and then expound on it. The Memento Moron policy statement on celebrity activism is stated thus:
I fail to see any valid reason to attach added credence to the opinion of someone whose chief source of income is derived from speaking words someone else thought of for them, simply because that income is large or affords them acclaim.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that celebrities don't have a right to their opinions, nor am I objecting to their use of their celebrity status as a platform to express those opinions. The Bully Pulpit is, well, as the name implies, bully -- in the T.R. sense of the word. Heck, that's what I'm doing in miniature by blogging. No, if you can get more people to listen to you because they like your movies, more power to ya! Nor am I even saying that celebrities are incapable of having intelligent opinions. Not of necessity, that is, though many are.
What I'm saying is that while their celebrity affords them a broader venue for their opinions, it does not automatically confer validity upon those opinions. Fine. Matt Damon believes thus. Why should I believe thus also? Just because Matt Damon does? Please. that's the logical fallacy known as appeal to authority, and it's a piss-poor authority at that. No, if a celebrity is going to use their fame to be heard, they'd darn well better be prepared to deliver a rational, cogent, logical argument for their position. If they do, I'll listen, consider, and decide. But as long as they offer their celebrity as a rationale for their argument, I'm not buying.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
A Bit of Advice for Jimmy Carter:
Stick to building houses.
Thanks for the Memory to Darth Apathy.
Jimmy was interviewed last night on MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews.
As Vic points out, the fun begins right out of the gates, and by the first commercial break he has his foot firmly implanted in his oral cavity. my comments in italics:
MATTHEWS: Let me ask you the question about—this is going to cause some trouble with people—but as an historian now and studying the Revolutionary War as it was fought out in the South in those last years of the War, insurgency against a powerful British force, do you see any parallels between the fighting that we did on our side and the fighting that is going on in Iraq today?
CARTER: Well, one parallel is that the Revolutionary War, more than any other war up until recently, has been the most bloody war we‘ve fought. Well, yeah, Jimmy, if you consider the 1860's recently. the Civil War was our bloodiest conflict ever, dimwit. Gettysburg alone killed as many Americans as Vietnam-where-John-Kerry-Served. And we elected you President? Oh, the shame. I think another parallel is that in some ways the Revolutionary War could have been avoided. It was an unnecessary war. Unbelievable. The war that made us a nation was unnecessary. But don't you dare question his patriotism!
Had the British Parliament been a little more sensitive to the colonial‘s really legitimate complaints and requests the war could have been avoided completely, and of course now we would have been a free country now as is Canada and India and Australia, having gotten our independence in a nonviolent way. In another 150 freaking years? No thanks.
I think in many ways the British were very misled in going to war against America and in trying to enforce their will on people who were quite different from them at the time. No, you idiot, they weren't quite different. Read the American speeches and pamphlets of the day. We very much identified ourselves as displaced Englishmen, and it wasn't until the years and events leading up to the revolution that we began to develop and recognize our own distinct identity.
Seriously. I have a great deal of respect for the work that Carter does with Habitat for Humanity. But when he starts shooting his mouth off like this, he makes himself look like an ass. Remind me again why we're taking foreign affairs advice from a man who got 50-some odd Americans kidnapped for 400 days?
Thanks for the Memory to Darth Apathy.
Jimmy was interviewed last night on MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews.
As Vic points out, the fun begins right out of the gates, and by the first commercial break he has his foot firmly implanted in his oral cavity. my comments in italics:
MATTHEWS: Let me ask you the question about—this is going to cause some trouble with people—but as an historian now and studying the Revolutionary War as it was fought out in the South in those last years of the War, insurgency against a powerful British force, do you see any parallels between the fighting that we did on our side and the fighting that is going on in Iraq today?
CARTER: Well, one parallel is that the Revolutionary War, more than any other war up until recently, has been the most bloody war we‘ve fought. Well, yeah, Jimmy, if you consider the 1860's recently. the Civil War was our bloodiest conflict ever, dimwit. Gettysburg alone killed as many Americans as Vietnam-where-John-Kerry-Served. And we elected you President? Oh, the shame. I think another parallel is that in some ways the Revolutionary War could have been avoided. It was an unnecessary war. Unbelievable. The war that made us a nation was unnecessary. But don't you dare question his patriotism!
Had the British Parliament been a little more sensitive to the colonial‘s really legitimate complaints and requests the war could have been avoided completely, and of course now we would have been a free country now as is Canada and India and Australia, having gotten our independence in a nonviolent way. In another 150 freaking years? No thanks.
I think in many ways the British were very misled in going to war against America and in trying to enforce their will on people who were quite different from them at the time. No, you idiot, they weren't quite different. Read the American speeches and pamphlets of the day. We very much identified ourselves as displaced Englishmen, and it wasn't until the years and events leading up to the revolution that we began to develop and recognize our own distinct identity.
Seriously. I have a great deal of respect for the work that Carter does with Habitat for Humanity. But when he starts shooting his mouth off like this, he makes himself look like an ass. Remind me again why we're taking foreign affairs advice from a man who got 50-some odd Americans kidnapped for 400 days?
What Kind of Man Are You?
Well, if you're this kind of man, you're also President of the United Staes.
Let's keep it that way.
(Thanks for the Memory to Blogs for Bush.)
Let's keep it that way.
(Thanks for the Memory to Blogs for Bush.)
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Frodo Lives!
I just heard back from Dale Rogers, the Staff Sargeant who used to run the Beer for Soldiers site. Here's what he told me:
Greetings from Iraq. Although Beer for Soldiers is gone, I am creating a new website so my brothers and I can share with our families back home a little of our lives here in Iraq. The site will have photos and mushy stuff for the women and kids back home, i.e, moms, wives, and girlfriends and the sons and daughters. I have to build it still so I know if I build it they will come.
Check it out soon.
I will, Dale. And I encourage my readers to do the same.
Also, Dale confided in me that while he can no longer solicit BfS funds, he still plans on throwing a bash for his buddies when they get home.
Now while Dale can't solicit funds, there's nothing stopping us civilians from scraping together some funds and giving them to him of our own volition. Just saying is all.
More once I've had a little heart-to-heart with Dale.
Greetings from Iraq. Although Beer for Soldiers is gone, I am creating a new website so my brothers and I can share with our families back home a little of our lives here in Iraq. The site will have photos and mushy stuff for the women and kids back home, i.e, moms, wives, and girlfriends and the sons and daughters. I have to build it still so I know if I build it they will come.
Check it out soon.
I will, Dale. And I encourage my readers to do the same.
Also, Dale confided in me that while he can no longer solicit BfS funds, he still plans on throwing a bash for his buddies when they get home.
Now while Dale can't solicit funds, there's nothing stopping us civilians from scraping together some funds and giving them to him of our own volition. Just saying is all.
More once I've had a little heart-to-heart with Dale.
Time may change me, but I can't trace time.
- David Bowie
I got an email today from my friend Shaun regarding my post on rain. In it he writes:
It's the Brian I remember. The Brian of our young years. I find it hard to ever find poetry in politics, even though many do. Thank heaven for rain.
It got me thinking. First of all, he's right. There isn't much poetry in politics. there is, however, a lot of passion, as I pointed out to him.
Shaun and I have been friends for years -- God, for at least a decade now. When we met, we were both young, and idealistic, and incredibly passionate about all of our beliefs, our pursuits, our aspirations, and in general, about everything we did. He was my best friend. Over the years, our friendship has remained, but has not maintained the same level of closeness. I still love Shaun like a brother, but I don't know him anywhere nearly as well as I once did. Time and distance and circumstances and events have taken their toll on our friendship, even as they have taken their toll on each of us in our own way.
I've never told shaun this, but for the longest time, i blamed him and his circumstances for the change in our friendship. I saw, as an observer, the changes in his demeanor, his attitudes, his personality. And I missed the Shaun I once knew. What I did not see, perhaps COULD not see for the longest time, were the changes in myself.
I suppose one reason that it was easier to notice his changes than my own was the fact that I had to live in my own skin on a daily basis, whereas I only got to see Shaun once every few months at the most, often with years intervening. Gradual changes can seem quite sudden if all you see is the before and after shots.
But eventually I came to recognize the changes in myself as well. And I must confess, some of them disturbed me or disappointed me in ways far worse than anything I observed in my friend. I can't remember when I last wrote poetry. I cry less bitterly, laugh less heartily than I used to. I don't read as often or as voraciously. I look less far off into the distance, and find myself staring more longingly at the past. I think about decisions I've made -- some good, some bad -- and think about the opportunities that I've gained, and the ones I've lost as a result. I think about thinga I'll never have a chance to do again, and others that I never could have done before. I have become all too familiar with regret, but also with wisdom. Perhaps these are the trades we make, the entrance fee into adulthood. Or maybe this is just the vaguely sentimental ramblings of someone who has become something he never expected, and nothing he intended.
When I was in junior high choir, we sang a song that was an arrangement of what has since been one of my favorite poems of all times. But while I've long enjoyed it, it wasn't until recent years that I truly appreciated it. So if you'll forgive any errors, I shall now try to recite it from memory:
The Road Not Taken
By Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
and sorry I could not travel both,
but be one traveller, long I stood,
and looked down one as far as I could
to where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, just as fair,
and having perhaps the better claim,
because it was grassy and wanted wear,
but as for that the passing there
had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
in leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I save the first for another day,
yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubt if I shall ever get back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence.
Two roads diverged in a woods, and I,
I took the one less travelled by,
and that has made all the difference.
- David Bowie
I got an email today from my friend Shaun regarding my post on rain. In it he writes:
It's the Brian I remember. The Brian of our young years. I find it hard to ever find poetry in politics, even though many do. Thank heaven for rain.
It got me thinking. First of all, he's right. There isn't much poetry in politics. there is, however, a lot of passion, as I pointed out to him.
Shaun and I have been friends for years -- God, for at least a decade now. When we met, we were both young, and idealistic, and incredibly passionate about all of our beliefs, our pursuits, our aspirations, and in general, about everything we did. He was my best friend. Over the years, our friendship has remained, but has not maintained the same level of closeness. I still love Shaun like a brother, but I don't know him anywhere nearly as well as I once did. Time and distance and circumstances and events have taken their toll on our friendship, even as they have taken their toll on each of us in our own way.
I've never told shaun this, but for the longest time, i blamed him and his circumstances for the change in our friendship. I saw, as an observer, the changes in his demeanor, his attitudes, his personality. And I missed the Shaun I once knew. What I did not see, perhaps COULD not see for the longest time, were the changes in myself.
I suppose one reason that it was easier to notice his changes than my own was the fact that I had to live in my own skin on a daily basis, whereas I only got to see Shaun once every few months at the most, often with years intervening. Gradual changes can seem quite sudden if all you see is the before and after shots.
But eventually I came to recognize the changes in myself as well. And I must confess, some of them disturbed me or disappointed me in ways far worse than anything I observed in my friend. I can't remember when I last wrote poetry. I cry less bitterly, laugh less heartily than I used to. I don't read as often or as voraciously. I look less far off into the distance, and find myself staring more longingly at the past. I think about decisions I've made -- some good, some bad -- and think about the opportunities that I've gained, and the ones I've lost as a result. I think about thinga I'll never have a chance to do again, and others that I never could have done before. I have become all too familiar with regret, but also with wisdom. Perhaps these are the trades we make, the entrance fee into adulthood. Or maybe this is just the vaguely sentimental ramblings of someone who has become something he never expected, and nothing he intended.
When I was in junior high choir, we sang a song that was an arrangement of what has since been one of my favorite poems of all times. But while I've long enjoyed it, it wasn't until recent years that I truly appreciated it. So if you'll forgive any errors, I shall now try to recite it from memory:
The Road Not Taken
By Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
and sorry I could not travel both,
but be one traveller, long I stood,
and looked down one as far as I could
to where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, just as fair,
and having perhaps the better claim,
because it was grassy and wanted wear,
but as for that the passing there
had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
in leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I save the first for another day,
yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubt if I shall ever get back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence.
Two roads diverged in a woods, and I,
I took the one less travelled by,
and that has made all the difference.
Monday, October 18, 2004
Rain, Rain, Come Today
Yesterday it rained, and at one point it rained hard enough that even an Oregonian was compelled to call it "rain" (what most people call rain, we call a heavy mist). I'm much happier now -- I prefer it when the morning's cold and clouds actually stay around and put out, instead of burning off into that mid-fall schizophrenic heat I loathe so. I know it's pretty cliche to hear this coming from an Oregonian, but there's some truth in the stereotype -- I love rain. I love all kinds of rain. I love a summer rain with that smell coming up off of the dust when the first raindrops hit it. I love a fall rain when the cloud cover is intermittent and the sun low in the sky shines through so that it's bright and sunny but raining at the same time. I love a dead-of-winter rain when it's coming down in vertical sheets and the wind is howling and driving the rain right through your coat and you come in from it and peel off layers of wet fabric and sit by a fire or soak in the tub with a hot toddy or buttered rum or chocolate, and listen to the angry moans of the storm and smugly reflect on the fact that there are good walls and a roof between you and all of that weather. I love the way the rain showers everything squeaky clean and the way everything smells clean and healthy and the way that any flat surface glows and glistens at night from the reflection of the streetlights or the moonlight in the wetness that the rain deposits on streets and cars and sidewalks. And I love the sense of resolution that is felt after you've watched the sky darken and turn more and more brooding all day, they way the tension builds, giving the weather an almost emotional quality, until it erupts in a liquid tantrum that gets everything off of Mother Nature's chest. And I love the sweet calm that comes after the rain passes.
I can honestly say, God knew what He was doing when he had me born in Oregon.
I can honestly say, God knew what He was doing when he had me born in Oregon.
Hazy, Hazy, Give Me Your answer Do....
Blogging AND training with a bad cold this week. The "Non-Drowsy" cold medecine... isn't. Looked forward to resting up yesterday, but nooooooo.... the Feared Redhead wants the second bedroom cleared out to convert into a nursery, so instead of curling up with a hot mug of tea and a good book, I spent the day sorting through boxes of stuff I forgot I even owned. Sheesh! It's still 4 months out.
The one bright side was I found my favorite Savonelli, so as soon as I can get it to the Briar Shoppe for some maintenance, I'll be a happy man.
The one bright side was I found my favorite Savonelli, so as soon as I can get it to the Briar Shoppe for some maintenance, I'll be a happy man.
The Football Gods Were Angry With Me
Not a good weekend to be a team I rooted for. sure, my Ducks won on Saturday, thus marking the first time this season they've won two in a row, and bringing their record to a dead even 3-3, but that still leaves them with only 2 losses leeway if they want to chalk up a school-record 11th straight winning season. And if they commit the kind of errors they did on Saturday against some of their future opponents, they are toast.
Yesterday, not so good. A run down of the teams I root for, from the closest I have to a favorite on down:
Detroit: Ouch. Green Bay cleaned their clocks. At least they're still over .500 at 3-2
Seattle: They played New England. 'Nuff said. Though I am proud of the way they hung tough.
San Diego: Didn't get to watch this one to the end, and I'm glad. Talk about snatching defeat rom the jaws of Victory.
Minnesota (Hey' I married one, it's a survival instinct. Plus, a former Duck plays for them): The one bright spot on the weekend.
Yesterday, not so good. A run down of the teams I root for, from the closest I have to a favorite on down:
Detroit: Ouch. Green Bay cleaned their clocks. At least they're still over .500 at 3-2
Seattle: They played New England. 'Nuff said. Though I am proud of the way they hung tough.
San Diego: Didn't get to watch this one to the end, and I'm glad. Talk about snatching defeat rom the jaws of Victory.
Minnesota (Hey' I married one, it's a survival instinct. Plus, a former Duck plays for them): The one bright spot on the weekend.
Friday, October 15, 2004
What do CBS News and Iran's Mullahs Have in Common?
They Both Hate Bloggers!
Thanks for the Memory to Bohemian Conservative via Ace of Spades HQ:
Iran cracks down on blog protests
Six online journalists and webloggers have been arrested in Iran recently in a crackdown on dissent on the internet.
BC has a list of other countries where freedom of speech is under attack. Totalitarian and authoritarian governments require a monopoly of information to keep their people oppressed. One begins to wonder if that's why CBS is so disdainful of the competition.
Thanks for the Memory to Bohemian Conservative via Ace of Spades HQ:
Iran cracks down on blog protests
Six online journalists and webloggers have been arrested in Iran recently in a crackdown on dissent on the internet.
BC has a list of other countries where freedom of speech is under attack. Totalitarian and authoritarian governments require a monopoly of information to keep their people oppressed. One begins to wonder if that's why CBS is so disdainful of the competition.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
A Blog is Born
My best friend Scott has just started blogging. He's also a good friend ov Vic over at Darth Apathy. Go check out his new blog, Vulture's Row. He's even tried his hand at ranting. Nicely done -- beginner's luck.
A Lesson from Lessons
My mom sent me the following metaphor via email and I thought it worth sharing:
A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat
>and was for distribution of all wealth. She felt deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican which she expressed openly.
One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to higher taxes on the rich & the addition of more government welfare programs. Based on the lectures that she had participated in and the occasional chat with a professor she felt that for years her
father had obviously harbored an evil, even selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his. The self professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors
had to be the truth and she indicated so to her father.
He stopped her and asked her point blank, how she was doing in school. She answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain. That she studied all the time, never had time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn't even have time for a boyfriend and didn't really
have many college friends because of spending all her time studying. That she was taking a more difficult curriculum.
Her father listened and then asked, "How is your good friend Mary doing?"
She replied, "Mary is barely getting by." She continued, "She barely has a 2.0 GPA," adding, "and all she takes are easy classes and she never studies." "But Mary is so very popular on campus, college for her is a blast, she goes to all the parties all the time and very often doesn't even show up for classes because she is too hung over."
Her father then asked his daughter, "Why don't you go to the Dean's office and ask him to deduct a 1.0 off your 4.0 GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0." He continued, "That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA."
The daughter visibly shocked by her father's suggestion angrily fired back, "That wouldn't be fair! I worked really hard for mine, I did without and Mary has done little or nothing, she played while I worked real hard!"
The father slowly smiled, winked and said, "Welcome to the Republican Party!"
A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat
>and was for distribution of all wealth. She felt deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican which she expressed openly.
One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to higher taxes on the rich & the addition of more government welfare programs. Based on the lectures that she had participated in and the occasional chat with a professor she felt that for years her
father had obviously harbored an evil, even selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his. The self professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors
had to be the truth and she indicated so to her father.
He stopped her and asked her point blank, how she was doing in school. She answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain. That she studied all the time, never had time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn't even have time for a boyfriend and didn't really
have many college friends because of spending all her time studying. That she was taking a more difficult curriculum.
Her father listened and then asked, "How is your good friend Mary doing?"
She replied, "Mary is barely getting by." She continued, "She barely has a 2.0 GPA," adding, "and all she takes are easy classes and she never studies." "But Mary is so very popular on campus, college for her is a blast, she goes to all the parties all the time and very often doesn't even show up for classes because she is too hung over."
Her father then asked his daughter, "Why don't you go to the Dean's office and ask him to deduct a 1.0 off your 4.0 GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0." He continued, "That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA."
The daughter visibly shocked by her father's suggestion angrily fired back, "That wouldn't be fair! I worked really hard for mine, I did without and Mary has done little or nothing, she played while I worked real hard!"
The father slowly smiled, winked and said, "Welcome to the Republican Party!"
E-Specially Offensive Democratic Flyer
Thanks for the Memory to Derek Crane:
Apparently the office of the election campaign of Craig Fitzhugh (D-Tenn.), which also serves as the local campaign HQ for Kerry-Edwards, thought the following image expressed their opinions aptly, and chose to distribute it:
If you can't read it, the caption reads "Voting for Bush is like running in the Special Olympics -- Even if you win you are still retarded."
Very nice. This from the Party of PC Language. I'm sure they didn't intend to mock the special Olympics while simultaneously mocking the President -- of course, I only give them the benefit of the doubt because I don't think they were capable of thinking it all the way through. Either way, it's pretty sad. As one of my readers has said, "It's like the Limbo Dance!"
Apparently the office of the election campaign of Craig Fitzhugh (D-Tenn.), which also serves as the local campaign HQ for Kerry-Edwards, thought the following image expressed their opinions aptly, and chose to distribute it:

If you can't read it, the caption reads "Voting for Bush is like running in the Special Olympics -- Even if you win you are still retarded."
Very nice. This from the Party of PC Language. I'm sure they didn't intend to mock the special Olympics while simultaneously mocking the President -- of course, I only give them the benefit of the doubt because I don't think they were capable of thinking it all the way through. Either way, it's pretty sad. As one of my readers has said, "It's like the Limbo Dance!"
Right Wing Oppression: It's Real Because They Say So
Thanks for the Memory to Drudge via Ace of Spades HQ:
It's been a while since I've blogged on the nasty tactics of the Left to intimidate conservative voters. So let's talk today about the nasty tactics of the Right to intimidate liberal voters.
Haven't heard of it happening? You will -- even if it doesn't:
**World Exclusive**
The Kerry/Edwards campaign and the Democratic National Committee are advising election operatives to declare voter intimidation -- even if none exists, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.
A 66-page mobilization plan to be issued by the Kerry/Edwards campaign and the Democratic National Committee states: "If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet, launch a 'pre-emptive strike.'"
The provocative Dem battle plan is to be distributed in dozens of states, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
One top DNC official confirmed the manual's authenticity, but claimed the notion of crying wolf on any voter intimidation is "absurd."
"We all know the Republicans are going to try to steal the election by scaring people and confusing people," the top DNC source explained.
Infuriating. But not too surprising. I've said all along that the things those on the Left scream loudest about are usually the things of which they're guilty themselves. I'm curious to see where this leads, but won't get my hopes up.
It's been a while since I've blogged on the nasty tactics of the Left to intimidate conservative voters. So let's talk today about the nasty tactics of the Right to intimidate liberal voters.
Haven't heard of it happening? You will -- even if it doesn't:
**World Exclusive**
The Kerry/Edwards campaign and the Democratic National Committee are advising election operatives to declare voter intimidation -- even if none exists, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.
A 66-page mobilization plan to be issued by the Kerry/Edwards campaign and the Democratic National Committee states: "If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet, launch a 'pre-emptive strike.'"
The provocative Dem battle plan is to be distributed in dozens of states, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
One top DNC official confirmed the manual's authenticity, but claimed the notion of crying wolf on any voter intimidation is "absurd."
"We all know the Republicans are going to try to steal the election by scaring people and confusing people," the top DNC source explained.
Infuriating. But not too surprising. I've said all along that the things those on the Left scream loudest about are usually the things of which they're guilty themselves. I'm curious to see where this leads, but won't get my hopes up.
Why This Time of Year Is My Least Favorite Weather Season
7 AM: Heading to work, temp is in the low 50's, maybe the 40's, I've got my jacket on.
5 PM: It will be in the high 60's or 70's, and I'll be sweating.
Hot or Cold, Mother Nature. Make up your mind.
5 PM: It will be in the high 60's or 70's, and I'll be sweating.
Hot or Cold, Mother Nature. Make up your mind.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
The Way We Do Things Here
Vote by mail.
It has its benefits and drawbacks. One drawback is pople making up their minds and mailing their ballots before the 2nd. The upside is it may reduce last minute nasty surprise tactics. AND it may reduce the number of people who fail to vote based on premature election calling by the MSM.
It has its benefits and drawbacks. One drawback is pople making up their minds and mailing their ballots before the 2nd. The upside is it may reduce last minute nasty surprise tactics. AND it may reduce the number of people who fail to vote based on premature election calling by the MSM.
Open Thread: New Addition to My Current Reading List
I am currently reading Treason by Ann Coulter. Interesting stuff. Here's the open thread part:
I realize that while most of my readers are fellow conservatives, there are a few liberals reading me, as well as some conservatives and libertarians who aren't the staunchest Coulter fans. So my question/challenge is:
Can you refute the claims she makes in the book? Spcifically, and with facts -- address the claims, address the sources she uses to back up her claims, and prove her wrong. Don't tell me why you don't like her, or are offended by what she says, or the way she says it -- I want cold hard facts. So if you've read her claims and can provide relevant, valid counter-arguments, feel free to comment. Otherwise, stay out of the way.
I'm honestly not being cocky about this. I really want to hear he other side of the story. If I don't, I must honestly say I'm compelled at this point to agree with her. If I do, I will honestly weigh both sides.
Help me out here.
I realize that while most of my readers are fellow conservatives, there are a few liberals reading me, as well as some conservatives and libertarians who aren't the staunchest Coulter fans. So my question/challenge is:
Can you refute the claims she makes in the book? Spcifically, and with facts -- address the claims, address the sources she uses to back up her claims, and prove her wrong. Don't tell me why you don't like her, or are offended by what she says, or the way she says it -- I want cold hard facts. So if you've read her claims and can provide relevant, valid counter-arguments, feel free to comment. Otherwise, stay out of the way.
I'm honestly not being cocky about this. I really want to hear he other side of the story. If I don't, I must honestly say I'm compelled at this point to agree with her. If I do, I will honestly weigh both sides.
Help me out here.
Blogging Slow-Down
Due to the work schedule at my new job, I will not be able to blog as frequently during the day as before. Hopefully, I'll have a computer at home soon and can blog some from there. In the meantime, I appreciate the continued patience and support.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Maybe They should Have Chosen Julia Roberts
Currently on the ballot here in Oregon is a measure, #35, that will put a cap on non-economic awards in medical liability suits. It's got a lot of support from the medical field and understandably from insurance companies.
Well, recently an add came out opposing it. the add features a "celebrity" spokesperson - Erin Brokovich.
you remember Erin, right? Julia Roberts made her a household name. She's almost universally hailed as some sort of crusading savior of the environment and the downtrodden. I was subjected to the movie, I've heard some interesting points of view from people on both sides of the issue, but that's beside my point right now.
What I find interesting is this: For whom did Erin Brokovich work when she was doing all her crusading? Oh, that's right, a personal injury lawyer. And what group of people might be most interested in seeing Measure 35 fail? Oh, yeah! Again, personal injury lawyers.
So while the pro-measure 35 ads have doctors and lawyers admitting freely that they have a personal stake in this issue, and urging us to side with them, we have on the other side of the fence a spokesperson who is representing herself as an informed but unaffected third party giving us advice, when in reality she has close ties to the one group who would be most negatively affected by the measure. And we're supposed to believe she's telling us for our own good.
Sorry, Erin, but you're not that good an actress. There's a reason someone else played you in the movie.
Well, recently an add came out opposing it. the add features a "celebrity" spokesperson - Erin Brokovich.
you remember Erin, right? Julia Roberts made her a household name. She's almost universally hailed as some sort of crusading savior of the environment and the downtrodden. I was subjected to the movie, I've heard some interesting points of view from people on both sides of the issue, but that's beside my point right now.
What I find interesting is this: For whom did Erin Brokovich work when she was doing all her crusading? Oh, that's right, a personal injury lawyer. And what group of people might be most interested in seeing Measure 35 fail? Oh, yeah! Again, personal injury lawyers.
So while the pro-measure 35 ads have doctors and lawyers admitting freely that they have a personal stake in this issue, and urging us to side with them, we have on the other side of the fence a spokesperson who is representing herself as an informed but unaffected third party giving us advice, when in reality she has close ties to the one group who would be most negatively affected by the measure. And we're supposed to believe she's telling us for our own good.
Sorry, Erin, but you're not that good an actress. There's a reason someone else played you in the movie.
Monday, October 11, 2004
Monkey See, Monkey Do
The Feared Redhead and I went to Costco today to get our eye exams and order contact lenses, an annual ritual. While I was waiting for her to finish her exam, I moseyed over to the book tables. The had a political section, with an interesting assortment of offerings both conservative and liberal, including Ann Coulter's Treason and Kitty Kelly's book (the title escapes me).
Among the books I found this current hot item:
I'm familiar withthe book, but to be honest, I'm probably one of three conservatives in the country who has not read it yet. Not for any moral or ethical reasons, but just because I really don't need convincing at this point, and I have other things on which to spend my money.
But what caught my attention was the book right next to it:
Mind you, I believe in freedom of speech and the press, and everyone has a right to their opinion. but this is just pitiful. Look at it. The fonts are similar, the picture is similar, the title is similar -- and not in a clever, spoofing kind of way. Even Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 911" is a somewhat clever play on a book title -- for all of its shortcomings, I'll give it that. But this is not a witty entendre. This allusion to the Swifties' book lacks any semblance of originality of thought. This is the literary equivalent of "I know you are but what am I?" Come on, Left, you can do better than that.
Can't you?
Among the books I found this current hot item:

I'm familiar withthe book, but to be honest, I'm probably one of three conservatives in the country who has not read it yet. Not for any moral or ethical reasons, but just because I really don't need convincing at this point, and I have other things on which to spend my money.
But what caught my attention was the book right next to it:

Mind you, I believe in freedom of speech and the press, and everyone has a right to their opinion. but this is just pitiful. Look at it. The fonts are similar, the picture is similar, the title is similar -- and not in a clever, spoofing kind of way. Even Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 911" is a somewhat clever play on a book title -- for all of its shortcomings, I'll give it that. But this is not a witty entendre. This allusion to the Swifties' book lacks any semblance of originality of thought. This is the literary equivalent of "I know you are but what am I?" Come on, Left, you can do better than that.
Can't you?
So remember my post about crappy but catchy songs? Or about the way my wife got the song out of my head?
So I step into Kinkos this morning to fax an acceptance letter to my new job, and to blog for a minute. And guess what Rod Stewart Crappy Song was playing? Yup.
It's a plot, I tell you.
So I step into Kinkos this morning to fax an acceptance letter to my new job, and to blog for a minute. And guess what Rod Stewart Crappy Song was playing? Yup.
It's a plot, I tell you.
Beer for Soldiers Goes Dry
A few of you may remember my post a while back on buying beer for soldiers through a blog called, appropriately enough, Beer For Soldiers. I thought it was a worthy cause, and so I blogged on it. Well, an unforeseen positive result was an increase in my own traffic. Apparently the readers over there follow links a LOT, So I try to return the favor.
Well, the last time I was there, I noticed that they'd taken down the donation functions and were informing us we can't buy them beer. I fired off a "Whisky Tango Foxtrot" email to their blog owner, but nothing in reply. However, I subscribe to a beer drinker's newsletter, and they have the skinny:
Army tells creator that www.beerforsoldiers.com is illegal
According to Stars and Stripes, Sgt. Dale Rogers, in Iraq with Company C, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment was ordered to retreat from the site after the regimental briefs said it was unethical. A regimental spokesman said that whatever the intentions, www.beerforsoldiers.com was illegal because Rogers seems to be using his association with the Army as a way to solicit funds for beer.
If you click on the "Don't buy us beer" link just added at the site, you end up on a page with the word "violation" displayed six time and the message: "We would still love for you to buy us a beer but the legal folks say you can't".
Beerforsoldiers.com previously sent visitors to links that charged their credit cards for anything from $2 for a 40-ounce bottle of beer to $6 for a "tall beer from the bar," to $7 for a six-pack. Other donation options included $10 for a "pitcher" or $20 for a "keg club."
The site includes dozens of photographs of soldiers enjoying the beer.
"I go to a pub where there are 20 to 30 soldiers around the bar. I ring the bell and say: 'Free beer for everybody.' The bartenders think I'm crazy. I get to meet new people and new soldiers and I will buy two or three rounds," Rogers said in an earlier story about the site.
Well, that sucks, but rules are rules, and I respect Sgt. Rogers for obeying. I am curious, though -- if a group of civilians decided to accept donations, and then spend the money on Sgt. Rogers and his buddies, would THAT be legal? Just wondering....
Well, the last time I was there, I noticed that they'd taken down the donation functions and were informing us we can't buy them beer. I fired off a "Whisky Tango Foxtrot" email to their blog owner, but nothing in reply. However, I subscribe to a beer drinker's newsletter, and they have the skinny:
Army tells creator that www.beerforsoldiers.com is illegal
According to Stars and Stripes, Sgt. Dale Rogers, in Iraq with Company C, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment was ordered to retreat from the site after the regimental briefs said it was unethical. A regimental spokesman said that whatever the intentions, www.beerforsoldiers.com was illegal because Rogers seems to be using his association with the Army as a way to solicit funds for beer.
If you click on the "Don't buy us beer" link just added at the site, you end up on a page with the word "violation" displayed six time and the message: "We would still love for you to buy us a beer but the legal folks say you can't".
Beerforsoldiers.com previously sent visitors to links that charged their credit cards for anything from $2 for a 40-ounce bottle of beer to $6 for a "tall beer from the bar," to $7 for a six-pack. Other donation options included $10 for a "pitcher" or $20 for a "keg club."
The site includes dozens of photographs of soldiers enjoying the beer.
"I go to a pub where there are 20 to 30 soldiers around the bar. I ring the bell and say: 'Free beer for everybody.' The bartenders think I'm crazy. I get to meet new people and new soldiers and I will buy two or three rounds," Rogers said in an earlier story about the site.
Well, that sucks, but rules are rules, and I respect Sgt. Rogers for obeying. I am curious, though -- if a group of civilians decided to accept donations, and then spend the money on Sgt. Rogers and his buddies, would THAT be legal? Just wondering....
Football in Review: Better than Expected
Saturday: The Ducks beat WSU (in Pullman!!!) 41-38. Things arestill bad, but not as bad as I'd feared.
Sunday: The Seahawks lost, which sucked, but Joey and his crew beat Atlanta! Woo Hoo!
Sunday: The Seahawks lost, which sucked, but Joey and his crew beat Atlanta! Woo Hoo!
An example of Right and Wrong...
...Or Right and Left, as the Case May Be:
A comment left by a reader in my post on the stolen bumper sticker:
Haha, dude you deserve it. I'm sorry, but if you can somehoe[sic] find a way to rationalize voting for Bush after everything he has done, you deserve everything coming to you. Liberals have bleeding hearts, and Conservatives have whining babies like you, suck it up.
Wow. If this is the argument prevalent from the Left, I'm convinced. Convinced, that is, that it's imperative that we not let people with that mentality anywhere NEAR the halls of power. I didn't think I could get any more enthusiastic about voting against the Democrats. This reader has proven me wrong.
A comment left by a reader in my post on the stolen bumper sticker:
Haha, dude you deserve it. I'm sorry, but if you can somehoe[sic] find a way to rationalize voting for Bush after everything he has done, you deserve everything coming to you. Liberals have bleeding hearts, and Conservatives have whining babies like you, suck it up.
Wow. If this is the argument prevalent from the Left, I'm convinced. Convinced, that is, that it's imperative that we not let people with that mentality anywhere NEAR the halls of power. I didn't think I could get any more enthusiastic about voting against the Democrats. This reader has proven me wrong.
Friday, October 08, 2004
Numbers Game
A question for all those opponents of the war who offer as proof of U.S. unilateralism the percentage of troops in OIF provided by the U.S. as compared to ODS:
During the 12 years between the wars, while we were enforcing UN sanctions, what percentage of the aircraft and personnel enforcing the No-Fly Zone were U.S.?
During the 12 years between the wars, while we were enforcing UN sanctions, what percentage of the aircraft and personnel enforcing the No-Fly Zone were U.S.?
Recently I've been conversing with a Canadian friend about the Iraq War. While he agrees that Hussein needed to go, he questions whether or not we exhausted all diplomatic options before we went to war. In the course of this conversation, I thought of the following analogy, and thought I'd share it with my readers:
You are lost in the wilderness. You've been lost for weeks, and have run out of food. You don't know if anyone knows that you're missing, or if anyone cares. Rescue might be on its way, it might not. You've now been without food for days and are growing weak. You know how to hunt and gather, and have the wherewithall, but to do so requires you leave your shelter. You know that the best way to be found is to stay put, and that in this wilderness, the more you travel, the less likely rescue. But if you stay in place and are NOT rescued, you will starve to death. So which do you do? Who is more foolish -- the man who stays put and starves to death, or the man who goes hunting and is never rescued? Who is wiser -- the man who stays put and is rescued, or the man who goes hunting and survives because he found food? Hindsight is, as they say, 20/20. Furthermore, there reaches a point at which you can no longer choose -- you must start hunting by day x or you will be too weak to hunt. You can only lie there and wait for either rescue or death. If you're going to hunt, you must act before then.
And to those of us in the US who support the president, that's the point we feel we were at. Sure, the immediate threat of an attack by Hussein was not that great. But we were watching what he was doing, and how the world was reacting, and it appeared apparent that the rest of the world's willingness to stick it out until he caved. And it was further apparent that he was going to ride out the sanctions and then go back to his old ways. Now maybe we were wrong -- maybe help was on the way, maybe the world would have grown a spine and stood up to him with us. But how were we to know? And how long could we wait to find out, and when would it have been too late? I for one, am glad that we did somehting before we no longer could.
You are lost in the wilderness. You've been lost for weeks, and have run out of food. You don't know if anyone knows that you're missing, or if anyone cares. Rescue might be on its way, it might not. You've now been without food for days and are growing weak. You know how to hunt and gather, and have the wherewithall, but to do so requires you leave your shelter. You know that the best way to be found is to stay put, and that in this wilderness, the more you travel, the less likely rescue. But if you stay in place and are NOT rescued, you will starve to death. So which do you do? Who is more foolish -- the man who stays put and starves to death, or the man who goes hunting and is never rescued? Who is wiser -- the man who stays put and is rescued, or the man who goes hunting and survives because he found food? Hindsight is, as they say, 20/20. Furthermore, there reaches a point at which you can no longer choose -- you must start hunting by day x or you will be too weak to hunt. You can only lie there and wait for either rescue or death. If you're going to hunt, you must act before then.
And to those of us in the US who support the president, that's the point we feel we were at. Sure, the immediate threat of an attack by Hussein was not that great. But we were watching what he was doing, and how the world was reacting, and it appeared apparent that the rest of the world's willingness to stick it out until he caved. And it was further apparent that he was going to ride out the sanctions and then go back to his old ways. Now maybe we were wrong -- maybe help was on the way, maybe the world would have grown a spine and stood up to him with us. But how were we to know? And how long could we wait to find out, and when would it have been too late? I for one, am glad that we did somehting before we no longer could.
A Little Too Close to Home
Thanks for the Memory to local GOP-Man Joe Peterson:
A while back I blogged on the loss of my bumper sticker. I've blogged about violence against Republicans all across the country. Well, now it's happened here:
Republicans asaulted in Lane County
For Immediate Release
October 7, 2004
Republicans under Attack
Feldkamp response to negative ads at press conference; acts of violence,
vandalism and assault continue against Eugene-area Republicans
Eugene, OR - The political climate in Eugene gets hotter with each day as
the election gets closer and closer.
Today, Republican 4th District Congressional candidate Jim Feldkamp held a
press conference at Lane County Republican Headquarters to respond to the
latest ad being aired by Democratic incumbent Peter DeFazio.
In his ad, DeFazio claims Feldkamp is "lying" about the incumbent's record.
A recent Feldkamp ad had called DeFazio on his weak record on defense, and
included specific House bill numbers. However, DeFazio's ad didn't produce a
shred of evidence to back up the claims made against Feldkamp.
"Disagreeing over policy issues is one thing, but personal attacks are quite
another," Feldkamp said. "I have pretty thick skin, so I can take it, but I
think Mr. DeFazio has just cheapened the level of political discourse in
this race."
As Feldkamp held his press conference, the Lane County Republican office
received reports of College Republicans being assaulted at the rally held
for Teresa Heinz-Kerry.
CR and Feldkamp intern Anthony Warren, 21, was admitted to Sacred Heart
Hospital in Eugene Thursday afternoon after being punched, choked and pushed
at the Heinz-Kerry event. He suffered from contusions and minor injuries.
"I was absolutely swarmed and completely bombarded," Warren said. "And I was
forcibly removed against my will."
Warren, a student at the University of Oregon, said he was merely trying to
participate in the democratic process and exercise his Constitutional rights
of freedom of speech and expression.
"I'm just a college kid trying to experience America, and I got thrashed
on," Warren said. "A flyer for the event said it was free and open to the
public, unless you're a Republican. Then you get assaulted."
At around the same time, a report was filed with the Springfield Police
Department regarding the theft of campaign signs.
Thursday morning, a white car with one male and one female was driving
around Springfield claiming to be campaigning. Instead, they were stealing
Bush and Feldkamp campaign signs.
These incidents come on the heels of another similar act of vandalism.
Wednesday, Feldkamp intern Seth Robbins had his car door vandalized while he
was delivering signs in Linn County. Robbins' door was kicked in, and his
windshield was covered in Kerry and DeFazio stickers.
This is getting scary. And it's getting more common. This weekend I will be cleaning out my garage. On November 2nd, in the evening, I will be parking my car *IN* the garage and spending the evening removing mt Bush stickers. They'll have served their purpose, and I'm really afraid of what might happen to the car or my wife if one of the thugs that apparently make up the local Democratic constituency decides to target her.
A while back I blogged on the loss of my bumper sticker. I've blogged about violence against Republicans all across the country. Well, now it's happened here:
Republicans asaulted in Lane County
For Immediate Release
October 7, 2004
Republicans under Attack
Feldkamp response to negative ads at press conference; acts of violence,
vandalism and assault continue against Eugene-area Republicans
Eugene, OR - The political climate in Eugene gets hotter with each day as
the election gets closer and closer.
Today, Republican 4th District Congressional candidate Jim Feldkamp held a
press conference at Lane County Republican Headquarters to respond to the
latest ad being aired by Democratic incumbent Peter DeFazio.
In his ad, DeFazio claims Feldkamp is "lying" about the incumbent's record.
A recent Feldkamp ad had called DeFazio on his weak record on defense, and
included specific House bill numbers. However, DeFazio's ad didn't produce a
shred of evidence to back up the claims made against Feldkamp.
"Disagreeing over policy issues is one thing, but personal attacks are quite
another," Feldkamp said. "I have pretty thick skin, so I can take it, but I
think Mr. DeFazio has just cheapened the level of political discourse in
this race."
As Feldkamp held his press conference, the Lane County Republican office
received reports of College Republicans being assaulted at the rally held
for Teresa Heinz-Kerry.
CR and Feldkamp intern Anthony Warren, 21, was admitted to Sacred Heart
Hospital in Eugene Thursday afternoon after being punched, choked and pushed
at the Heinz-Kerry event. He suffered from contusions and minor injuries.
"I was absolutely swarmed and completely bombarded," Warren said. "And I was
forcibly removed against my will."
Warren, a student at the University of Oregon, said he was merely trying to
participate in the democratic process and exercise his Constitutional rights
of freedom of speech and expression.
"I'm just a college kid trying to experience America, and I got thrashed
on," Warren said. "A flyer for the event said it was free and open to the
public, unless you're a Republican. Then you get assaulted."
At around the same time, a report was filed with the Springfield Police
Department regarding the theft of campaign signs.
Thursday morning, a white car with one male and one female was driving
around Springfield claiming to be campaigning. Instead, they were stealing
Bush and Feldkamp campaign signs.
These incidents come on the heels of another similar act of vandalism.
Wednesday, Feldkamp intern Seth Robbins had his car door vandalized while he
was delivering signs in Linn County. Robbins' door was kicked in, and his
windshield was covered in Kerry and DeFazio stickers.
This is getting scary. And it's getting more common. This weekend I will be cleaning out my garage. On November 2nd, in the evening, I will be parking my car *IN* the garage and spending the evening removing mt Bush stickers. They'll have served their purpose, and I'm really afraid of what might happen to the car or my wife if one of the thugs that apparently make up the local Democratic constituency decides to target her.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Spain: One Step Closer to Being a Caliphate Once Again
Thanks for the Memory to Back Country Conservative via The Jawa Report:
(My thoughts in italics)
U.S. Marines Replaced by French Troops in Spain's Columbus Parade
France has troops (Thanks, Cindy)?
Associated Press:
In another dig at the United States, (In another attempt to appease the Jihadists in the Middle East), the Socialist government has dropped plans for U.S. Marines to march in a high-profile parade commemorating Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World.
U.S. Marines have taken part since 2001 in the procession marking the Dia de la Hispanidad, which is celebrated each year on Oct. 12.
The Spanish invitation was first issued when fervently pro-U.S. conservatives ruled in Spain and was meant to show solidarity with the United States after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
But screw that, the US got what it deserved.
But the new Socialist government, which withdrew Spain's troops from Iraq (news - web sites) right after taking power in April and realigned the country's foreign policy away from its predecessor's focus on ties with Washington, has ended the tradition.
The yellow cowards who have taken over Spain, tucked their tails between their legs, and pulled a perfect Neville Chamberlain, have now decided that what the knife needs is a good twist.
Defense Minister Jose Bono said Tuesday evening there was still friendship and respect between Madrid and Washington. "What does not continue is subordination and getting down on our knees on orders from a foreign government, whichever it may be," Bono said.
Instead, we now get down on our knees on orders from Terrorists.
Instead, French troops have been invited to march in the parade as part of celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Paris from Nazi occupation.
So SPAIN is going to celebrate France's liberation from Spain's ALLIES (remember Franco?) at the time by snubbing France's LIBERATORS. Makes perfect sense.
A U.S. Embassy official declined to criticize the Spanish decision, saying simply that the Americans were honored to have taken part in the parade in recent years.
Translated: "If we here at the US Embassy actually said honestly what we think of these cojone'less, feckless putos, you collaborationist fifth column/fourth estate bastards would raise such a stink that Washington would have no choice but to offer us as sacrificial lambs. Who'll be laughing when Al Andalus is once again a Caliphate, huh?
-- Final thought: My wife spent time in Spain as a high schooler, and has family friends there. She really wants me to visit. I'm not so sure I want to go anymore. I prefer friends with backbones.
(My thoughts in italics)
U.S. Marines Replaced by French Troops in Spain's Columbus Parade
France has troops (Thanks, Cindy)?
Associated Press:
In another dig at the United States, (In another attempt to appease the Jihadists in the Middle East), the Socialist government has dropped plans for U.S. Marines to march in a high-profile parade commemorating Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World.
U.S. Marines have taken part since 2001 in the procession marking the Dia de la Hispanidad, which is celebrated each year on Oct. 12.
The Spanish invitation was first issued when fervently pro-U.S. conservatives ruled in Spain and was meant to show solidarity with the United States after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
But screw that, the US got what it deserved.
But the new Socialist government, which withdrew Spain's troops from Iraq (news - web sites) right after taking power in April and realigned the country's foreign policy away from its predecessor's focus on ties with Washington, has ended the tradition.
The yellow cowards who have taken over Spain, tucked their tails between their legs, and pulled a perfect Neville Chamberlain, have now decided that what the knife needs is a good twist.
Defense Minister Jose Bono said Tuesday evening there was still friendship and respect between Madrid and Washington. "What does not continue is subordination and getting down on our knees on orders from a foreign government, whichever it may be," Bono said.
Instead, we now get down on our knees on orders from Terrorists.
Instead, French troops have been invited to march in the parade as part of celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Paris from Nazi occupation.
So SPAIN is going to celebrate France's liberation from Spain's ALLIES (remember Franco?) at the time by snubbing France's LIBERATORS. Makes perfect sense.
A U.S. Embassy official declined to criticize the Spanish decision, saying simply that the Americans were honored to have taken part in the parade in recent years.
Translated: "If we here at the US Embassy actually said honestly what we think of these cojone'less, feckless putos, you collaborationist fifth column/fourth estate bastards would raise such a stink that Washington would have no choice but to offer us as sacrificial lambs. Who'll be laughing when Al Andalus is once again a Caliphate, huh?
-- Final thought: My wife spent time in Spain as a high schooler, and has family friends there. She really wants me to visit. I'm not so sure I want to go anymore. I prefer friends with backbones.
The Cruelest Thing a Wife Can Say
Uttered by the Feared Redhead at the Mexican restaurant where we ate last night:
White Boy, don't try to dance.
How cruel! How heartless! How cold! How utterly insensitive to my need to express myself! How uncaring! How... How...
How sadly true.
White Boy, don't try to dance.
How cruel! How heartless! How cold! How utterly insensitive to my need to express myself! How uncaring! How... How...
How sadly true.
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
I Need to Tell You Something....
I don't got a belly button...
This is the song the Feared Redhead used to get "Infatuation" out of my head last night. Just as catchy, not as crappy. In fact, darned clever. It's one of the "Silly Songs" from Veggie Tales, and in the video the vegetables perform as a spoof boy band called "Boyz in the Sink". That still cracks me up.
This particular song is on the video The Ballad of Little Joe.
This is the song the Feared Redhead used to get "Infatuation" out of my head last night. Just as catchy, not as crappy. In fact, darned clever. It's one of the "Silly Songs" from Veggie Tales, and in the video the vegetables perform as a spoof boy band called "Boyz in the Sink". That still cracks me up.
This particular song is on the video The Ballad of Little Joe.
I Have the Best Wife in the Whole World!
As soon as she heard that I got the job, the Feared Redhead decided that a congratulatory gift was in order.
She just called me to find out what kind of Single Malt Scotch I'd like.
Eat your hearts out, lads!
She just called me to find out what kind of Single Malt Scotch I'd like.
Eat your hearts out, lads!
Thanks for the Memory to TacJammer:
When I read this essay at Eject! Eject! Eject! I was immediately reminded of the quote attributed to George Orwell:
"We sleep peacefully in our beds simply because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence upon those who would do us harm."
Read it. It really should be required reading before entering the voting booth on November 2nd. It actually choked me up. An excellent essay.
When I read this essay at Eject! Eject! Eject! I was immediately reminded of the quote attributed to George Orwell:
"We sleep peacefully in our beds simply because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence upon those who would do us harm."
Read it. It really should be required reading before entering the voting booth on November 2nd. It actually choked me up. An excellent essay.
I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!
I start the job Monday, at almost $1/hour more than I make now, with benefits!
Thanks to everyone for their prayers.
Thanks to everyone for their prayers.
Wrong War, Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Thanks for the Memory to Davids Medienkritik via Ace of spades HQ:
Another US General is criticizing the President's handling of the war.
Another US General is criticizing the President's handling of the war.
My Take on the VP Debate
Yeah, Cheney won. That's nothing new. Everyone's been blogging on that for over 12 hours now. And except for the most partisan liberal viewpoints, that's the consensus.
So I'll stick to the things that, well, stuck with me.
First, as well as the Vice President did, he had help, from an unexpected source -- Edwards, and the camera. That split screen format, and the way Edwards maintained a smug, smarmy smirk (consider the alliteration) throughout the debate, did nothing to endear John Boy to the common man.
Second, as luck would have it, when I turned on the TV last night, it was onABC NBC (oops, thanks for pointing out my error, Scott), so I got to hear Tom Brokaw's post-debate analysis. His description of Cheney's delivery was surprisingly clever and positive -- he compared him to George Foreman, slow and deliberate with a devastating right.
And finally, on the topic ofABC NBC, they ended the segment with interviews of bloggers. I was expecting Glen Reynolds or one of the Margolis brothers for the conservative view, and probably Kos for the liberal. I was embarassed not to have thought of Hinderaker and the Powerline crew. But Wonkette? Please. She was shallow, nervous, and tittery, and contributed nothing of substance to the conversation. I'm no liberal, but even I could have picked a better representative of the left side of the net than Madame Sodomy.
So I'll stick to the things that, well, stuck with me.
First, as well as the Vice President did, he had help, from an unexpected source -- Edwards, and the camera. That split screen format, and the way Edwards maintained a smug, smarmy smirk (consider the alliteration) throughout the debate, did nothing to endear John Boy to the common man.
Second, as luck would have it, when I turned on the TV last night, it was on
And finally, on the topic of
The Natives are Restless
Thanks for the Memory to Blogs for Bush.
I'm still steamed about the news articles I read yesterday about people opposing the Democrats engaging in activity of the kind for which I've been criticizing our opponents all along. But just when I thought, "Damn! Must we sink to their level?" They lower the bar:
Protestors Ransack Bush/Cheney Headquarters In Orlando
My fears and the fears of others about the level of violence we may see in the days after the election have not been allayed at all.
Thanks for the Memory to reader Leslie Bates at Blogs for Bush:
It happened in my wife's home state of Minnesota too:
Angry Kerry Activists Lay Siege to Bush Office in St. Paul, Intimidate Voters
ST. PAUL -- On the same day that someone fired shots into the windows at the Bush/Cheney campaign headquarters in Knoxville, Tennessee, angry Kerry supporters laid siege to the Bush headquarters in St. Paul Minnesota today.
"Today's siege on the Bush/Cheney headquarters in St. Paul was an attempt by Democrats and the Kerry campaign to intimidate voters who were picking up tickets to see the President," said Republican Party of Minnesota State Chair Ron Eibensteiner. "The Minnesota Kerry Campaign and DFL are ruled by an angry mob mentality that has nothing positive to offer Minnesota voters." Today Kerry supporters blocked the entrance to the Bush campaign's Minnesota headquarters with buses and proceeded to rush into the headquarters in a clear attempt to intimidate voters who were picking up tickets to see the President this Saturday.
Eibensteiner called on DFL Chair Mike Erlandson and Kerry's Minnesota campaign to immediately cease these kinds of intimidation tactics.
"Lately, the DFL Party and Kerry Campaign can be best described as Anger Incorporated," said Eibensteiner. "They need to stop their escalation of these intimidation tactics before someone gets hurt."
Eibensteiner pointed out other instances where out-of-control Kerry supporters have intimidated voters. For example, at the Gophers football game last weekend, a Kerry supporter physically assaulted a female College Republican who was handing out flyers supporting the President. In a similar incident, Kerry supporters assaulted College Republicans at the Minnesota State Fair. During the incident, the union members elbowed two College Republicans in the head and threw them to the ground. Also, DFL Party officials have yet to repudiate a bumper sticker, which was handed out from their party headquarters comparing President Bush to Adolf Hitler.
"Anger is no substitute for optimistic leadership," said Eibensteiner. "Through their actions, Democrats have shown themselves incapable of governing themselves, much less our nation, during these challenging times."
(Bold Emphasis added by me)
I couldn't agree more, Mr. Eibensteiner.
Thanks for the Memory to Instapundit via Leslie (again):
It happened in Wisconsin too.
Thanks for the Memory to Ace of spades HQ:
Michelle Malkin is covering this too, and may have more info.
Thanks for the Memory to Russell Wardlow at Mean Mr. Mustard:
Apparently not all Leftists online are as upset by their side's shennanigans as I am by my side's.
I'm still steamed about the news articles I read yesterday about people opposing the Democrats engaging in activity of the kind for which I've been criticizing our opponents all along. But just when I thought, "Damn! Must we sink to their level?" They lower the bar:
Protestors Ransack Bush/Cheney Headquarters In Orlando
My fears and the fears of others about the level of violence we may see in the days after the election have not been allayed at all.
Thanks for the Memory to reader Leslie Bates at Blogs for Bush:
It happened in my wife's home state of Minnesota too:
Angry Kerry Activists Lay Siege to Bush Office in St. Paul, Intimidate Voters
ST. PAUL -- On the same day that someone fired shots into the windows at the Bush/Cheney campaign headquarters in Knoxville, Tennessee, angry Kerry supporters laid siege to the Bush headquarters in St. Paul Minnesota today.
"Today's siege on the Bush/Cheney headquarters in St. Paul was an attempt by Democrats and the Kerry campaign to intimidate voters who were picking up tickets to see the President," said Republican Party of Minnesota State Chair Ron Eibensteiner. "The Minnesota Kerry Campaign and DFL are ruled by an angry mob mentality that has nothing positive to offer Minnesota voters." Today Kerry supporters blocked the entrance to the Bush campaign's Minnesota headquarters with buses and proceeded to rush into the headquarters in a clear attempt to intimidate voters who were picking up tickets to see the President this Saturday.
Eibensteiner called on DFL Chair Mike Erlandson and Kerry's Minnesota campaign to immediately cease these kinds of intimidation tactics.
"Lately, the DFL Party and Kerry Campaign can be best described as Anger Incorporated," said Eibensteiner. "They need to stop their escalation of these intimidation tactics before someone gets hurt."
Eibensteiner pointed out other instances where out-of-control Kerry supporters have intimidated voters. For example, at the Gophers football game last weekend, a Kerry supporter physically assaulted a female College Republican who was handing out flyers supporting the President. In a similar incident, Kerry supporters assaulted College Republicans at the Minnesota State Fair. During the incident, the union members elbowed two College Republicans in the head and threw them to the ground. Also, DFL Party officials have yet to repudiate a bumper sticker, which was handed out from their party headquarters comparing President Bush to Adolf Hitler.
"Anger is no substitute for optimistic leadership," said Eibensteiner. "Through their actions, Democrats have shown themselves incapable of governing themselves, much less our nation, during these challenging times."
(Bold Emphasis added by me)
I couldn't agree more, Mr. Eibensteiner.
Thanks for the Memory to Instapundit via Leslie (again):
It happened in Wisconsin too.
Thanks for the Memory to Ace of spades HQ:
Michelle Malkin is covering this too, and may have more info.
Thanks for the Memory to Russell Wardlow at Mean Mr. Mustard:
Apparently not all Leftists online are as upset by their side's shennanigans as I am by my side's.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Not In MY Name!!!!!
Thanks for the Memory to Reader msn at Blogs for Bush.
By now it's pretty apparent I believe that there is rampant misconduct going on among liberals in order to stifle conservative voices. Well, apparently, in a couple of places, liberals and conservatives are playing tit-for-tat:
- Montgomery County Democratic HQ was broken into.
- Bush Signs stolen in Centre County
- Dem HQ shot with a pellet gun in Centre County
Oxford Mississippi:
- Republican HQ Broken into
- Kerry Bumper Stickers defaced
no, No, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do NOT stoop to this level!!!!!! ANY of you!!!!!!! But ESPECIALLY not conservatives!!!!!!!!! Liberals are dead freaking wrong, I am firmly convinced, but they have a RIGHT to be wrong and a RIGHT to express those wrong opinions without fear of reprisal or harrassment!!!!!!
Look at the symbol at the top of my blog. That's what it's about. If you just apply the constitution AND THE PRINCIPLES ON WHICH IT IS BASED to yourself, then you invalidate it!!!!! If you are a conservative and value our republic and our constitution as much as I, then THIS IS NOT HOW WE ARE TO DO THINGS!!!!!!! We outreason them, we outvote them, we outcampaign them. But we do NOT outcheat them!!!!
Sorry if this was disjointed, but I'm steamed.
By now it's pretty apparent I believe that there is rampant misconduct going on among liberals in order to stifle conservative voices. Well, apparently, in a couple of places, liberals and conservatives are playing tit-for-tat:
- Montgomery County Democratic HQ was broken into.
- Bush Signs stolen in Centre County
- Dem HQ shot with a pellet gun in Centre County
Oxford Mississippi:
- Republican HQ Broken into
- Kerry Bumper Stickers defaced
no, No, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do NOT stoop to this level!!!!!! ANY of you!!!!!!! But ESPECIALLY not conservatives!!!!!!!!! Liberals are dead freaking wrong, I am firmly convinced, but they have a RIGHT to be wrong and a RIGHT to express those wrong opinions without fear of reprisal or harrassment!!!!!!
Look at the symbol at the top of my blog. That's what it's about. If you just apply the constitution AND THE PRINCIPLES ON WHICH IT IS BASED to yourself, then you invalidate it!!!!! If you are a conservative and value our republic and our constitution as much as I, then THIS IS NOT HOW WE ARE TO DO THINGS!!!!!!! We outreason them, we outvote them, we outcampaign them. But we do NOT outcheat them!!!!
Sorry if this was disjointed, but I'm steamed.
God Speed Gordon Cooper
Thanks for the Memory to Whole Wheat Blogger via Triticale.
Gordon Cooper, NASA Mercury Pioneer, Dies
LOS ANGELES - Gordon Cooper, the last astronaut to take flight during NASA's pioneering Mercury program, has died. He was 77.
LOS ANGELES - Gordon Cooper, the last astronaut to take flight during NASA (news - web sites)'s pioneering Mercury program, has died. He was 77.
As one of the nation's first astronauts, Cooper became a hero to a generation of Americans in the early 1960s as the country tried to catch the Soviet Union in the space race.
"He truly portrayed the right stuff, and he helped gain the backing and enthusiasm of the American public, so critical for the spirit of exploration," NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe said.
I can't say the world is emptier because of his passing, because he left behind such a record of achievement, but I can say that he will be missed. Astronauts have always been my heroes.
Gordon Cooper, NASA Mercury Pioneer, Dies
LOS ANGELES - Gordon Cooper, the last astronaut to take flight during NASA's pioneering Mercury program, has died. He was 77.
LOS ANGELES - Gordon Cooper, the last astronaut to take flight during NASA (news - web sites)'s pioneering Mercury program, has died. He was 77.
As one of the nation's first astronauts, Cooper became a hero to a generation of Americans in the early 1960s as the country tried to catch the Soviet Union in the space race.
"He truly portrayed the right stuff, and he helped gain the backing and enthusiasm of the American public, so critical for the spirit of exploration," NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe said.
I can't say the world is emptier because of his passing, because he left behind such a record of achievement, but I can say that he will be missed. Astronauts have always been my heroes.
I Think I Know...
But I'm not saying. Triticale over at Wheat/Rye asks a good question. Can any of the liberals out there answer?
No, I'm not talking to any voices, don't panic. Yet.
Did you ever get a crappy but catchy song stuck in your head? Well, this is the one currently holding my synapses hostage:
"Infatuation" -- Rod Stewart
If anyone has a moment to come make it stop, I'll be over in the corner, curled up in a ball.
Thanks for listening. We now return you to your regularly scheduled sanity.
Did you ever get a crappy but catchy song stuck in your head? Well, this is the one currently holding my synapses hostage:
"Infatuation" -- Rod Stewart
If anyone has a moment to come make it stop, I'll be over in the corner, curled up in a ball.
Thanks for listening. We now return you to your regularly scheduled sanity.
Round 2
Call from the Feared Redhead. She's been feeling the effects of her hyperemesis again (no vomiting, but lingering nausea), so she called her OB/Gyn. Apparently I'll be heading to urgent care after work to meet her, she's been told to report in for another rehydrating IV.
No panic this time, but I really hate seeing her suffer like this. Makes me feel like developing P.I.T.S..
She asked me to request all your prayers.
The folks at U.C. wouldn't give her an IV, despite what she'd been told by her OB/Gyn's office, because her urine sample was mostly water (don't ask). So now she has to wait until tomorrow, talk to her OB/Gyn again, subject herself (and me by default, but I'd rather not go into details) to some embarassing testing procedures, then go back.
In the meantime, she's feeling much... well, the same. PITS.
No panic this time, but I really hate seeing her suffer like this. Makes me feel like developing P.I.T.S..
She asked me to request all your prayers.
The folks at U.C. wouldn't give her an IV, despite what she'd been told by her OB/Gyn's office, because her urine sample was mostly water (don't ask). So now she has to wait until tomorrow, talk to her OB/Gyn again, subject herself (and me by default, but I'd rather not go into details) to some embarassing testing procedures, then go back.
In the meantime, she's feeling much... well, the same. PITS.
Just Waiting for the spin Cycle to Begin
Breaking News:
Israel Kills Islamic Jihad Leader in Gaza Strike
Read the Reuters article. Make note specifically of this quote:
Bashir ad-Dabbash, 38, was the most senior leader within Palestinian territories of the group that is sworn to destroying the Jewish state and at the forefront of a suicide bombing campaign during a 4-year-old Palestinian uprising.
And start counting the seconds until the left starts excoriating Israel for this attack. Against a man who lead a group, and I quote, "sworn to destroying the Jewish state".
If there's a more clear-cut case of exercizing a nation's right to preserve her sovereignty, I'd be hard pressed to think of it. Yet this will be portrayed as more violent oppression by the Zionists.
If that outcry comes, and I am certain it will, I defy anyone to offer a rational explanation for that outcry aside from ignorance or antisemitism.
Israel Kills Islamic Jihad Leader in Gaza Strike
Read the Reuters article. Make note specifically of this quote:
Bashir ad-Dabbash, 38, was the most senior leader within Palestinian territories of the group that is sworn to destroying the Jewish state and at the forefront of a suicide bombing campaign during a 4-year-old Palestinian uprising.
And start counting the seconds until the left starts excoriating Israel for this attack. Against a man who lead a group, and I quote, "sworn to destroying the Jewish state".
If there's a more clear-cut case of exercizing a nation's right to preserve her sovereignty, I'd be hard pressed to think of it. Yet this will be portrayed as more violent oppression by the Zionists.
If that outcry comes, and I am certain it will, I defy anyone to offer a rational explanation for that outcry aside from ignorance or antisemitism.
Kerry: Building Consensus By Alienating ALL of Our Friends (Revisited)
Original Post Here.
Thanks for the Memory to Drudge via The Jawa Report.
A while back I blogged on how Kerry's attitude towards and comments about our allies on Iraq was in sharp contrast to his claims of being more capable of diplomacey -- that while he claims that he will build consensus, what he's really doing is alienating the countries that are already in our side, in order to gamble that he'll be able to placate those who oppose us.
President Bush brought the same point up during the debate last week -- pointing out all of the countries that are in the coalition, and telling Kerry that he was insulting their leaders. Kerry blew it off, paying lip service to them, but claiming that only US and British contributions were significant.
And how easy was it to predict the result? That's an even bigger slap in the face to our allies. The first one of them has called him on it -- and this is an ally who has been candid about their misgivings regarding Iraq. From Drudge:
Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski has slammed Dem president hopeful John Kerry for not recognizing Poland's contributions and sacrifice to the war in Iraq.
"It is sad that a senator with 20 years of experience does not recognize Polish contribution. This is immoral," Kwasniewski told FACTS in an interview commenting on the US Presidential Debate.
"It is sad that a senator with 20 years of experience underestimates Polish sacrifice, this is sad."
I agree, Mr. President.
The Polish President added however that one should consider this was a part of the ongoing electoral campaign.
That doesn't really mitigate the insult, and I, as an American, am sorry you had to hear it.
People criticize Bush for alienating the world. But let's be honest -- a majority of the countries who oppose us now already opposed us before. And most of them will still oppose the US, regardless of who wins the election and what action that president takes. But Bush has showed loyalty to the countries that have stood beside us through it all -- Kerry, on the other hand, manages to alienate them, without any real evidence that he'll endear us to our foes.
Thanks for the Memory to Drudge via The Jawa Report.
A while back I blogged on how Kerry's attitude towards and comments about our allies on Iraq was in sharp contrast to his claims of being more capable of diplomacey -- that while he claims that he will build consensus, what he's really doing is alienating the countries that are already in our side, in order to gamble that he'll be able to placate those who oppose us.
President Bush brought the same point up during the debate last week -- pointing out all of the countries that are in the coalition, and telling Kerry that he was insulting their leaders. Kerry blew it off, paying lip service to them, but claiming that only US and British contributions were significant.
And how easy was it to predict the result? That's an even bigger slap in the face to our allies. The first one of them has called him on it -- and this is an ally who has been candid about their misgivings regarding Iraq. From Drudge:
Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski has slammed Dem president hopeful John Kerry for not recognizing Poland's contributions and sacrifice to the war in Iraq.
"It is sad that a senator with 20 years of experience does not recognize Polish contribution. This is immoral," Kwasniewski told FACTS in an interview commenting on the US Presidential Debate.
"It is sad that a senator with 20 years of experience underestimates Polish sacrifice, this is sad."
I agree, Mr. President.
The Polish President added however that one should consider this was a part of the ongoing electoral campaign.
That doesn't really mitigate the insult, and I, as an American, am sorry you had to hear it.
People criticize Bush for alienating the world. But let's be honest -- a majority of the countries who oppose us now already opposed us before. And most of them will still oppose the US, regardless of who wins the election and what action that president takes. But Bush has showed loyalty to the countries that have stood beside us through it all -- Kerry, on the other hand, manages to alienate them, without any real evidence that he'll endear us to our foes.
So Much for Giving Peace a Chance
Thanks for the Memory to reader Deviant Logic at Blogs for Bush.
BREAKING NEWS: Shots fired into Knox Bush/Cheney headquarters
An unknown suspect fired several shots into the Bearden office of the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign Tuesday morning.
The headquarters are located at 4618 Kingston Pike, next to Noveau Classics and in the same shopping plaza as Long's Drugstore.
According to Knoxville Police Department officers on the scene Tuesday, it is believed that the two separate shots were fired from a car sometime between 6:30 am and 7:15 am. One shot shattered the glass in the front door and the other cracked the glass in another of the front doors.
There were no witnesses to the shooting. A customer at a nearby dry cleaning store noticed that shattered glass on the sidewalk in front of the headquarters and called police.
Volunteers and staffers at the campaign office say they have no clues as to who might have committed the crime. However, they add that the shooting makes them even more enthusiastic and energized about working for their candidates.
"If I have to sleep here (at the campaign office) now, that's what I'll do," says volunteer Suzanne Dewar.
In an unexpected twist, a bank directly across the street from the headquarters was robbed just as KPD officers were busy investigating at the scene of the shooting.
- WBIR-TV Knoxville, TN
How much uglier does the left plan to get? I'm actually starting to get worried about the levels of violence we may see if President Bush is re-elected.
Thanks for the Memory to Texas Rainmaker at Generation Why.
This isn't the first attack on a Republican office this year, nor will it be the last. I already blogged on the attack in Washington. Apparently, the HQ for the West Virginia GOP was egged AND shot.
How many "Isolated Incidents" in how many different places have to add up before people see the left for what it is?
Texas Rainmaker has another good post on the same issue.
BREAKING NEWS: Shots fired into Knox Bush/Cheney headquarters
An unknown suspect fired several shots into the Bearden office of the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign Tuesday morning.
The headquarters are located at 4618 Kingston Pike, next to Noveau Classics and in the same shopping plaza as Long's Drugstore.
According to Knoxville Police Department officers on the scene Tuesday, it is believed that the two separate shots were fired from a car sometime between 6:30 am and 7:15 am. One shot shattered the glass in the front door and the other cracked the glass in another of the front doors.
There were no witnesses to the shooting. A customer at a nearby dry cleaning store noticed that shattered glass on the sidewalk in front of the headquarters and called police.
Volunteers and staffers at the campaign office say they have no clues as to who might have committed the crime. However, they add that the shooting makes them even more enthusiastic and energized about working for their candidates.
"If I have to sleep here (at the campaign office) now, that's what I'll do," says volunteer Suzanne Dewar.
In an unexpected twist, a bank directly across the street from the headquarters was robbed just as KPD officers were busy investigating at the scene of the shooting.
- WBIR-TV Knoxville, TN
How much uglier does the left plan to get? I'm actually starting to get worried about the levels of violence we may see if President Bush is re-elected.
Thanks for the Memory to Texas Rainmaker at Generation Why.
This isn't the first attack on a Republican office this year, nor will it be the last. I already blogged on the attack in Washington. Apparently, the HQ for the West Virginia GOP was egged AND shot.
How many "Isolated Incidents" in how many different places have to add up before people see the left for what it is?
Texas Rainmaker has another good post on the same issue.
Specks and Beams
Thanks for the Memory to Drudge via Blogs for Bush.
One of the responses you'll get when you take the time, like I have, to point out the kind of oppressive behavior exhibited by leftists to stifle conservative voices, is that these are isolated incidents, by extremist elements who do not reflect the majority of liberals, and that not all Democrats think that way.
Oh, really? Let's put aside for a moment the fact that the leadership of the Democratic party is increasingly inclined to embrace those elements and even use them for their ends. Let's set aside the fact that the Democratic party recognizes that without the support of that extreme but growing element, they cannot compete politically. Let's even set aside the fact that the rhetoric of some of those extreme elements is not only not decried by Democratic leadership, but actually affords those who utter that rhetoric celebrity status in liberal circles.
Let's for the moment and for the sake of argument take only the words of a mainstream, and quite influential member of that Democratic leadership. Like, oh, say, their Vice Presidential cadidate:
Dem vp hopeful John Edwards cut to the chase last night on ABCNEWS NIGHTLINE:
ABC'S BOB WOODRUFF: "He has avoided the kind of negative attacks that can make national news, although recently, he has stepped up his rhetoric."
SEN. JOHN EDWARDS (D-NC) (clip of a speech): "I'd say if you live in the United States of America and you vote for George Bush, you've lost your mind."
WOODRUFF: "There's been criticism that you have been too soft."
EDWARDS: "Do I seem soft to you?"
So apparently that's the kind of tolerant rhetoric the left is about, huh? And yet we're told that Republicans are the ones stifling dissent. In fact, in a comment on the blogs for Bush Blog post about this, one liberal said, This is a thoroughly ridiculous article considering the way the Republicans and the Bush Administration has demonized dissent.
My response then, and now, was to point that person to the articles I've documented regarding this issue (Here, Here, and Here for starters), and suggest that perhaps the liberals need to do a little beam removal from their own eyes.
One of the responses you'll get when you take the time, like I have, to point out the kind of oppressive behavior exhibited by leftists to stifle conservative voices, is that these are isolated incidents, by extremist elements who do not reflect the majority of liberals, and that not all Democrats think that way.
Oh, really? Let's put aside for a moment the fact that the leadership of the Democratic party is increasingly inclined to embrace those elements and even use them for their ends. Let's set aside the fact that the Democratic party recognizes that without the support of that extreme but growing element, they cannot compete politically. Let's even set aside the fact that the rhetoric of some of those extreme elements is not only not decried by Democratic leadership, but actually affords those who utter that rhetoric celebrity status in liberal circles.
Let's for the moment and for the sake of argument take only the words of a mainstream, and quite influential member of that Democratic leadership. Like, oh, say, their Vice Presidential cadidate:
Dem vp hopeful John Edwards cut to the chase last night on ABCNEWS NIGHTLINE:
ABC'S BOB WOODRUFF: "He has avoided the kind of negative attacks that can make national news, although recently, he has stepped up his rhetoric."
SEN. JOHN EDWARDS (D-NC) (clip of a speech): "I'd say if you live in the United States of America and you vote for George Bush, you've lost your mind."
WOODRUFF: "There's been criticism that you have been too soft."
EDWARDS: "Do I seem soft to you?"
So apparently that's the kind of tolerant rhetoric the left is about, huh? And yet we're told that Republicans are the ones stifling dissent. In fact, in a comment on the blogs for Bush Blog post about this, one liberal said, This is a thoroughly ridiculous article considering the way the Republicans and the Bush Administration has demonized dissent.
My response then, and now, was to point that person to the articles I've documented regarding this issue (Here, Here, and Here for starters), and suggest that perhaps the liberals need to do a little beam removal from their own eyes.
Monday, October 04, 2004
In Case You Were Wondering
(This is for those readers with whom I've developed a friendship. If you hate me or are just visiting, go ahead and ignore)
Job Interview Update -- Timeline:
3:30 PM PDT -- nerves begin to set in, constriction in throat.
4:00 -- Left work early to prepare for interview.
4:10 -- Arrived home, began began cleaning & changing for interview.
4:30 -- Combination of nerves and gag reflex conspire against me while brushing teeth -- toss cookies.
4:45 Manage to finish readying myself and head out for interview.
4:59 -- Arrive at interview location.
5:03 -- Begin pre-interview test.
5:15 -- Complete interview test. All the answers but one were easy, it I did not know.
5:16 -- Sit in waiting room, surrounded by people I recognize from work as better techs than I.
5:20 -- begin series of 3 short interviews with 2 supervisors each interview.
6:00 -- last interview ends. Am finall able to stop "holding it." Noone points to a door and says, "Go now and never darken our doors again!" This is on the surface a good sign, but I'm still not very confident in my odds. We'll see.
Job Interview Update -- Timeline:
3:30 PM PDT -- nerves begin to set in, constriction in throat.
4:00 -- Left work early to prepare for interview.
4:10 -- Arrived home, began began cleaning & changing for interview.
4:30 -- Combination of nerves and gag reflex conspire against me while brushing teeth -- toss cookies.
4:45 Manage to finish readying myself and head out for interview.
4:59 -- Arrive at interview location.
5:03 -- Begin pre-interview test.
5:15 -- Complete interview test. All the answers but one were easy, it I did not know.
5:16 -- Sit in waiting room, surrounded by people I recognize from work as better techs than I.
5:20 -- begin series of 3 short interviews with 2 supervisors each interview.
6:00 -- last interview ends. Am finall able to stop "holding it." Noone points to a door and says, "Go now and never darken our doors again!" This is on the surface a good sign, but I'm still not very confident in my odds. We'll see.
Because, Y'Know, We're Nazis....
Thanks for the Memory to Blogs For Bush.
Yup, more of the same. Right after I blog about intolerance in New Jersey, and then point out that it's at least not institutionalized, I am alerted to more evidence that it's increasingly rampant. In Madison, Wisconsin, a Bush supporter had his lawn vandalized -- and not just by having a sign stolen. This time, they used grass killer to burn a swastika into the yard.
But we're the Brownshirts. Riiiiiight....
Yup, more of the same. Right after I blog about intolerance in New Jersey, and then point out that it's at least not institutionalized, I am alerted to more evidence that it's increasingly rampant. In Madison, Wisconsin, a Bush supporter had his lawn vandalized -- and not just by having a sign stolen. This time, they used grass killer to burn a swastika into the yard.
But we're the Brownshirts. Riiiiiight....
Something Rotten In...
Well, in Sweden, actually, not in Denmark. but the Scandinavian connection still exists.
Thanks for the Memory to Beautiful Atrocities via Mean Mr. Mustard 2.0.
You all know how fond I am of documenting leftists oppressing conservatives in the name of Free Speech. Well, at least it's not as legislatively institutionalized here as it is in Sweden.
Thanks for the Memory to Beautiful Atrocities via Mean Mr. Mustard 2.0.
You all know how fond I am of documenting leftists oppressing conservatives in the name of Free Speech. Well, at least it's not as legislatively institutionalized here as it is in Sweden.
Thar She Blows II
Thanks for the Memory to Rusty at MyPetJawa.
This is an update to my previous Mt. St. Helens post.
She blew again today, but so far it looks like just another steam & gas venting -- not the big one they're expecting. Rusty is covering this well, and has the live video feed on his blog.
Cascade Range volcanoes vary in type. St. Helens is a stratovolcano, and has a tendency towards pyroclastic events.
Rusty and his Washingtonian blogger pal Duane the Forester have better ongoing coverage of this, but if she really goes on us, I'll post the local reaction as best I can. I'm about 150 miles south of St. Helens, so unless there's a lot of ash, I probably won't be affected.
This is an update to my previous Mt. St. Helens post.
She blew again today, but so far it looks like just another steam & gas venting -- not the big one they're expecting. Rusty is covering this well, and has the live video feed on his blog.
Cascade Range volcanoes vary in type. St. Helens is a stratovolcano, and has a tendency towards pyroclastic events.
Rusty and his Washingtonian blogger pal Duane the Forester have better ongoing coverage of this, but if she really goes on us, I'll post the local reaction as best I can. I'm about 150 miles south of St. Helens, so unless there's a lot of ash, I probably won't be affected.
Can You Picture That?
Thanks for the Memory to Drudge via Vices and Virtues.
My friend Ricky V has clued me in to the most idiotic case yet of leftist persecution of a conservative. It may not be the most violent, or illegal, or mean-spirited, but it is without a doubt the stupidest.
A school teacher in New Jersey has taken flak for displaying a picture of President Bush. You may ask why this is persecution, since a teacher should not be using her classroom as a bully pulpit (no left-leaning teacher would ever do that, right?). Well the catch is, she posted pictures of ALL the US Presidents as part of a civics display in her classroom.
No matter what you think of Bush, he *IS* the President, and including him in such a display is appropriate. I would expect to find a picture of Clinton in the same display. and lo and behold, there was, if the article is accurate.
But that wasn't good enough for the parents. Three of them confronted her, demanding that she display a picture of Kerry as well. That's a bit premature, and not necessarily a given, wouldn't you say? According to the article, when she refused, she got in trouble with her vice principle.
This is getting old. I'm glad for once that, according to the article, some of the parents are standing up for her. I'll try to keep up on this article, and if anyone else learns anything new, please pass it on to me.
My friend Ricky V has clued me in to the most idiotic case yet of leftist persecution of a conservative. It may not be the most violent, or illegal, or mean-spirited, but it is without a doubt the stupidest.
A school teacher in New Jersey has taken flak for displaying a picture of President Bush. You may ask why this is persecution, since a teacher should not be using her classroom as a bully pulpit (no left-leaning teacher would ever do that, right?). Well the catch is, she posted pictures of ALL the US Presidents as part of a civics display in her classroom.
No matter what you think of Bush, he *IS* the President, and including him in such a display is appropriate. I would expect to find a picture of Clinton in the same display. and lo and behold, there was, if the article is accurate.
But that wasn't good enough for the parents. Three of them confronted her, demanding that she display a picture of Kerry as well. That's a bit premature, and not necessarily a given, wouldn't you say? According to the article, when she refused, she got in trouble with her vice principle.
This is getting old. I'm glad for once that, according to the article, some of the parents are standing up for her. I'll try to keep up on this article, and if anyone else learns anything new, please pass it on to me.
Touching a Soft Spot
The latest Strengthen the Good microcharity has been posted, and for obvious reeasons, I'm all for it. The charity is called Garden of Angels. It is run by a woman named Debi Faris, and it provides names and proper burials for the bodies of abandoned infants. She also actively lobbies for laws to help prevent such deaths from occurring.
Given my wife's pregnancy, I am more acutely sensitive to the welfare of the unborn and infants than I ever was before. I really cannot say anything more in praise of this charity, I think it speaks for itself. Please check out their website, or read more about them at Strengthen the Good, and if you can, please give.
Thanks for listening.
Given my wife's pregnancy, I am more acutely sensitive to the welfare of the unborn and infants than I ever was before. I really cannot say anything more in praise of this charity, I think it speaks for itself. Please check out their website, or read more about them at Strengthen the Good, and if you can, please give.
Thanks for listening.
Confessions of a Sap
For all my political conservatism, for all my distrust of big government's ability to provide for us, for all my disdain for the welfare state and my belief that entitlement is actually disablement, I am in the end very softhearted. I'm willing to spend my OWN money to help those who are in need, and I'm easily moved by genuine displays of generosity and mercy.
Which is why I love my new favorite TV show, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I haven't made it dry-eyed through a single episode yet. Last night's was no exception -- I was "complaining about the air quality" by the first commercial break. The family who received the new home was a shining example of the kind of people they choose -- people who are doing their best to pull their own weight, and even help others, but against whom circumstances have conspired. They were parents of four, and when his mother was killed by a stray bullet in a gang shootout in east LA, he took in his five minor siblings.
There are a couple of things about the show that really warm my heart. First of all, the families almost uniformly come across with the right attitude -- they ask very nicely in their videos, and they are grateful to those who help them in the end. This is at the heart of true compassion -- helping people because they need and ask, not because they feel entitled and demand. Furthermore, I appreciate deeply the amount of volunteer work they use in the construction crews, and the fact that big businesses like Sears and Shea Homes pitch in to help, and the fact that ABC and their sponsors do it on their own dime. Sure, they get tons of really good publicity for it, but considering the good they accomplish, more power to them. I know I for one plan to do business at Sears as much as possible (and for one more reason to do so, see my post on how well they treat their employees in the Guard and Reserve.
Finally, as I've already stated, I love the fact that almost all of the people they help are people who are doing their best to make it and to help others. When you see how hard they work to keep the dumps their homes are before the makeover, you get the feeling that these are people who won't squander this wonderful gift.
So, yeah, I'm a pushover and a sap and a wimp, but I don't care. Ty and his crew are my heroes.
Which is why I love my new favorite TV show, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I haven't made it dry-eyed through a single episode yet. Last night's was no exception -- I was "complaining about the air quality" by the first commercial break. The family who received the new home was a shining example of the kind of people they choose -- people who are doing their best to pull their own weight, and even help others, but against whom circumstances have conspired. They were parents of four, and when his mother was killed by a stray bullet in a gang shootout in east LA, he took in his five minor siblings.
There are a couple of things about the show that really warm my heart. First of all, the families almost uniformly come across with the right attitude -- they ask very nicely in their videos, and they are grateful to those who help them in the end. This is at the heart of true compassion -- helping people because they need and ask, not because they feel entitled and demand. Furthermore, I appreciate deeply the amount of volunteer work they use in the construction crews, and the fact that big businesses like Sears and Shea Homes pitch in to help, and the fact that ABC and their sponsors do it on their own dime. Sure, they get tons of really good publicity for it, but considering the good they accomplish, more power to them. I know I for one plan to do business at Sears as much as possible (and for one more reason to do so, see my post on how well they treat their employees in the Guard and Reserve.
Finally, as I've already stated, I love the fact that almost all of the people they help are people who are doing their best to make it and to help others. When you see how hard they work to keep the dumps their homes are before the makeover, you get the feeling that these are people who won't squander this wonderful gift.
So, yeah, I'm a pushover and a sap and a wimp, but I don't care. Ty and his crew are my heroes.
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Recipe Time
Well, with the fall weather getting cool, I decided it's time to post a recipe that matches the weather.
This is a variation on Beef Bourgognon that I developed to highlight as many Oregon food products as possible. Anywhere I've listed an Oregon ingredient, you can use your local equivalent.
Beef Oregon
1 tablespoon olive oil (I'd use Oregon filbert oil if anyone pressed & sold it)
8 ounces dry cured center cut smoked bacon, diced
2 1/2 pounds chuck beef cut into 1-inch cubes
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 pound carrots, sliced diagonally into 1-inch chunks
1 Bunch celery, leaves on
2 Hood River yellow onions, sliced
2 teaspoons chopped garlic (2 cloves)
1 (750 ml.) bottle good Oregon Pinot Noir
1 can (2 cups) beef broth
2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves (1 teaspoon dried)
1 teaspoon fresh rosemary leaves (1/2 teaspoon dried)
1 Oregon myrtlewood leaf (use a bay leaf if you don’t have myrtlewood)
4 tablespoons Tillamook unsalted butter at room temperature,
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 pound fresh Oregon mushrooms stems discarded, caps thickly sliced
For serving:
6 Oregon russet potatoes
6 sprigs fresh rosemary
Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F.
Cut the russet potatoes into quarters, keeping each potato together after it is cut. Lightly butter the cut sides, sprinkle half of the thyme on. Put the quarters back together, and wrap in foil.
Cut the leaves off of the celery. Finely chop the leaves and the stalks, but keep separate.
Heat the oil in a large Dutch oven. Add the bacon and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the bacon is lightly browned. Remove the bacon with a slotted spoon to a large plate.
Dry the beef cubes with paper towels and then sprinkle them with salt and pepper. In batches in single layers, sear the beef in the hot oil for 3 to 5 minutes, turning to brown on all sides. Remove the seared cubes to the plate with the bacon and continue searing until all the beef is browned. Set aside.
Toss the carrots, celery stalks, and onions, 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of pepper in the fat in the pan and cook for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the onions are lightly browned. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Put the meat and bacon back into the pot with the juices. Add the bottle of wine plus enough beef broth to almost cover the meat. Add the myrtlewood leaf, rosemary, celery leaves, and the rest of the thyme. Bring to a simmer, cover the pot with a tight-fitting lid and place it in the oven for about 1 1/4 hours or until the meat and vegetables are very tender when pierced with a fork. Put the potatoes in the oven at the same time as the Dutch oven.
Combine 2 tablespoon of butter and the flour with a fork and stir into the stew. Sauté the mushrooms in 2 tablespoon of butter for 10 minutes until lightly browned and then add to the stew. Bring the stew to a boil on top of the stove, then lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Season to taste.
To serve, spoon the stew over the potatos and garnish with rosemary sprigs.
I'm looking for a good beer bread recipe to substitute for the potatoes, but until I find one, this will have to do.
I would also recommend that you purchase 2 bottles of the same vintage of pinot noir, use one in the recipe and serve the other with it.
This is a variation on Beef Bourgognon that I developed to highlight as many Oregon food products as possible. Anywhere I've listed an Oregon ingredient, you can use your local equivalent.
Beef Oregon
1 tablespoon olive oil (I'd use Oregon filbert oil if anyone pressed & sold it)
8 ounces dry cured center cut smoked bacon, diced
2 1/2 pounds chuck beef cut into 1-inch cubes
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 pound carrots, sliced diagonally into 1-inch chunks
1 Bunch celery, leaves on
2 Hood River yellow onions, sliced
2 teaspoons chopped garlic (2 cloves)
1 (750 ml.) bottle good Oregon Pinot Noir
1 can (2 cups) beef broth
2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves (1 teaspoon dried)
1 teaspoon fresh rosemary leaves (1/2 teaspoon dried)
1 Oregon myrtlewood leaf (use a bay leaf if you don’t have myrtlewood)
4 tablespoons Tillamook unsalted butter at room temperature,
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 pound fresh Oregon mushrooms stems discarded, caps thickly sliced
For serving:
6 Oregon russet potatoes
6 sprigs fresh rosemary
Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F.
Cut the russet potatoes into quarters, keeping each potato together after it is cut. Lightly butter the cut sides, sprinkle half of the thyme on. Put the quarters back together, and wrap in foil.
Cut the leaves off of the celery. Finely chop the leaves and the stalks, but keep separate.
Heat the oil in a large Dutch oven. Add the bacon and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the bacon is lightly browned. Remove the bacon with a slotted spoon to a large plate.
Dry the beef cubes with paper towels and then sprinkle them with salt and pepper. In batches in single layers, sear the beef in the hot oil for 3 to 5 minutes, turning to brown on all sides. Remove the seared cubes to the plate with the bacon and continue searing until all the beef is browned. Set aside.
Toss the carrots, celery stalks, and onions, 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of pepper in the fat in the pan and cook for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the onions are lightly browned. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Put the meat and bacon back into the pot with the juices. Add the bottle of wine plus enough beef broth to almost cover the meat. Add the myrtlewood leaf, rosemary, celery leaves, and the rest of the thyme. Bring to a simmer, cover the pot with a tight-fitting lid and place it in the oven for about 1 1/4 hours or until the meat and vegetables are very tender when pierced with a fork. Put the potatoes in the oven at the same time as the Dutch oven.
Combine 2 tablespoon of butter and the flour with a fork and stir into the stew. Sauté the mushrooms in 2 tablespoon of butter for 10 minutes until lightly browned and then add to the stew. Bring the stew to a boil on top of the stove, then lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Season to taste.
To serve, spoon the stew over the potatos and garnish with rosemary sprigs.
I'm looking for a good beer bread recipe to substitute for the potatoes, but until I find one, this will have to do.
I would also recommend that you purchase 2 bottles of the same vintage of pinot noir, use one in the recipe and serve the other with it.
The Littlest B
The Feared Redhead had an ultrasound last Monday. I finally had a chance to scan the printouts:
I think it's the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life. But I'm admittedly biased -- bear in mind, half it's DNA is from me. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
If it's a girl, I am renaming my 12-gauge "The Chaperone".

I think it's the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life. But I'm admittedly biased -- bear in mind, half it's DNA is from me. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
If it's a girl, I am renaming my 12-gauge "The Chaperone".
Friday, October 01, 2004
Same Old Tired Theme
I blog on this theme so often, that I've gone from outrage to resigned disgust. It's happened again. It's happened here in the Pacific Northwest again. And this time, I think even Venom can agree, it's a bit more significant that my bumper sticker. I am, of course, talking about Republicans being victimized by the very behavior they are accused of by the Left.
Thanks for the Memory to Powerline via Ace of Spades HQ.
According to the Seattle Times, The Washington state headquarters for the president's re-election campaign was broken into last night, and police are investigating the theft of three computers from the Bellevue office.
Now, on the face of it, that means nothing. Burglaries happen all the time, even to politicians. But the particulars of the case lend themselves to arousing suspicion: The burglars didn't steal all the computers, just a few. And they were very specific:
Missing are laptop computers used by the campaign's executive director, the head of the get-out-the-vote effort and one that had been set for delivery to the campaign's Southwest Washington field director, said Jon Seaton, executive director of the state's George W. Bush campaign.
State Republican Party Chairman Chris Vance called it a "Watergate-style break in" and said he suspects Democrats are behind it.
"If you're just some burglar looking for computers to sell to buy drugs you take every laptop in the office maybe," he said. "But they knew exactly whose computers to get. They got the executive director's computer and the get-out-the-vote director's computer."
Of course, the Democrats are denying any involvement. And while there's no reason to believe the incident was orchestrated by Democrats, it seems apparent that whoever did this was politically motivated and knew exactly what they were looking for.
I blog on this theme so often, that I've gone from outrage to resigned disgust. It's happened again. It's happened here in the Pacific Northwest again. And this time, I think even Venom can agree, it's a bit more significant that my bumper sticker. I am, of course, talking about Republicans being victimized by the very behavior they are accused of by the Left.
Thanks for the Memory to Powerline via Ace of Spades HQ.
According to the Seattle Times, The Washington state headquarters for the president's re-election campaign was broken into last night, and police are investigating the theft of three computers from the Bellevue office.
Now, on the face of it, that means nothing. Burglaries happen all the time, even to politicians. But the particulars of the case lend themselves to arousing suspicion: The burglars didn't steal all the computers, just a few. And they were very specific:
Missing are laptop computers used by the campaign's executive director, the head of the get-out-the-vote effort and one that had been set for delivery to the campaign's Southwest Washington field director, said Jon Seaton, executive director of the state's George W. Bush campaign.
State Republican Party Chairman Chris Vance called it a "Watergate-style break in" and said he suspects Democrats are behind it.
"If you're just some burglar looking for computers to sell to buy drugs you take every laptop in the office maybe," he said. "But they knew exactly whose computers to get. They got the executive director's computer and the get-out-the-vote director's computer."
Of course, the Democrats are denying any involvement. And while there's no reason to believe the incident was orchestrated by Democrats, it seems apparent that whoever did this was politically motivated and knew exactly what they were looking for.
Thar She Blows

AP Photo
Mount St. Helens Awakes, Erupting Steam and Ash
By Tom Banse
MOUNT ST. HELENS NATIONAL VOLCANIC MONUMENT (Reuters) - Mount St. Helens spewed steam and gray ash from a small explosive eruption in its crater on Friday, as the volcano in Washington state awoke from its slumber for the first time in nearly two decades.
A plume rose in a column from the crater just after 12 p.m. PDT in the first eruption since 1986, but was well below the scale of the catastrophic 1980 eruption that blew off the top of the mountain and spread ash across North America.
"This is exactly the kind of thing we've been forecasting to happen, which is a small steam and ash explosion that could send things up several tens of thousand feet above the rim of Mount St. Helens," said Cynthia Gardner, seismologist for the U.S. Geological Survey (news - web sites), "How long it will last we don't know."
A team of geologists was installing equipment in the crater of the volcano, and the U.S. Geological Survey said they were trying to determine how safe they were.
The plume of steam and ash was being carried to the northwest by the wind over uninhabited areas, said Peter Frenzen, a U.S. Forestry Service official.
There were several hundred witnesses at the Johnston Ridge Observatory, but they did not report hearing any loud explosions.
Earlier on Friday, government scientists reported that the lava dome created after the 1980 eruption had swollen slightly slightly and that cracks appeared on the glacier inside the rumbling volcano's crater.
The 1980 eruption killed 57 people, destroyed more than 200 homes and devastated hundreds of square miles of surrounding land. Ash from that outpouring billowed across the continent and was carried as far east as Oklahoma.
Recent activity, which started with a series of small earthquakes a week ago and a 2.5-inch shift in the lava dome's location, is happening within the horseshoe-shaped crater that formed after the eruption.
Government scientists and officials said that the main concern was whether a plume of ash would form and interfere with air traffic.
Mount St. Helens is in southeastern Washington, about 100 miles south of Seattle and 50 miles north of Oregon's largest city, Portland.
Air traffic officials said they were on alert and prepared to divert air traffic in case of an ash-spewing eruption.
Seismologists said there was no connection between activity at Mount St. Helens and a strong earthquake near Parkfield, California or a smaller series of quakes in Alaska earlier this week.
The violent eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980, blew off the top of the volcano, reducing its summit from 9,677 feet to 8,364 feet.
In addition to the 1986 eruption of the mountain's lava dome, strong earthquakes were detected in 1989, when fresh magma entered the volcano's lava system.
(Additional reporting by Allan Dowd in Vancouver, B.C.)
A northwesterly flow coupled with a weak section of the jet stream means we may get some ash here in Eugene, if it hangs in the air long enough. We'll see.
I may live in the region, but Rusty at MyPetJawa has better blog coverage of the event.
My mom emailed me with the news. She was recalling the 1980 eruption, when ash fell in our small town in Idaho, several hundred miles to the east, and the sky turned blood red. It was eerie.
The Following is a Sever Weather Alert for Eugene issued by the NWS:
1018 AM PDT FRI OCT 1 2004
ELEV 10/01 0500PDT
3000 08008
6000 11004
9000 20004
12000 31006
18000 36023
24000 35027
30000 35028
34000 34016
39000 33031
Weather Channel Animated Feed of Most Recent Satellite coverage of the PNW. So far the eruption barely shows as anything on the map -- a tiny speck of gray just a bit NE of Portland. Nothing compared to '80. We'll see if it pumps enough ash to even show up.
Rusty links to a Live Feed from KGW-TV/DT Portland & KING-TV/DT Seattle.
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